Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…


Distribution, sales. Components for mechanical transmissions: - bearings and accessories - components for linear movements - bearing lubricants and lubrication systems - diagnosis of bearings and equipment - industrial sealing elements - transmission belts and chains and accessories - rubber springs-silent blocks - tools and devices for working with bearings. Equipment…

TOI TOI, sanitární systémy, s r.o.

TOI TOI, sanitary systems, s.r.o. Rental and servicing of mobile toilets and sanitary systems. We supply comprehensive solutions in the field of sanitary technology, mobile toilets TOITOI, toilets, urinals, washrooms and baskets. We rent:  - mobile toilets, standard, with the possibility of washing hands or flushing  - mobile toilets without barriers  - urinals  - WC caravans  - gutters…

StaDa CZ s.r.o

Výroba, velkoobchod, prodej, montáž: - protipožární dveře, stěny, uzávěry - protipožární atypické stěny v provedení kov, dřevo, sklo, různé povrchové úpravy. Prodej: - dřevěné interiérové dveře, dýhované dveře - hasící přístroje - požární prostupy a ucpávky.

HERKULES - Stavební prvky, s.r.o.

Shop and sample hall. Hercules - doors and fittings of European quality. - retail and wholesale of doors, wooden door frames and door frames lining from top German manufacturers HGM and ASTRA (solid wood, veneered surface and foil, individual solutions) - a wide range of door fittings from German and domestic companies


Bohemia Solar offers: - use of solar radiation to prepare DHW, heating or to heat swimming pools - energy use by burning biomass Ware: - solar collectors - solar absorbers - solar regulation - stoves - wood boiler - automatic boilers Services: - central heating-installations, projects (large-area plate radiators, underfloor heating, copper piping systems) - water and…


Constructions, complete construction works and supplies: - TERMATEX mineral ceilings - housing core reconstruction - tiles - paving - plasterboard - insulation by crystallization of concrete / XYPEX / - reconstruction - interiors. Construction: - plastic windows, windows - roofing - heating - wiring. CATRPILAR earthworks. Sale: - sales and installation of domestic…

Daros profi s.r.o.

Company Daros profi s.r.o. focuses on the sale of building materials and building materials. In 2017 we joined the European BigMat Building Community and supply a wide range of quality goods not only for builders. We offer all materials for the rough construction, as well as tiles, flooring, wiring materials, tools and the like at reasonable prices. We are also able to arrange transport of goods…

Radim Vojtěch

Elektroservis. Montáže elektro: -silnoproudé rozvody -slaboproudé rozvody (SK, PS, TR) -výroba rozvaděčů -kompenzace jalové energie -nasvícení budov a pouliční osvětlení -ochrana před úderem blesku -elektroinstalace v prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu (SNV) -topné kabely. Automatizace: -řídící programovatelné automaty (PLC) a průmyslová PC -vizualizace technologických…