Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

František Šín

Zakázková výroba stavební, nábytková a truhlářská: -okna, dveře -výkladce -schody, schodiště -pergoly, přístřešky -atypický nábytek -kuchyně -vestavěné skříně -stoly, židle, lavice, pulty.

Radek Lízal

Truhlářství, výroba dveří (dveře)a zárubní (zárubně): -zdarma provedeme kontrolu přesnosti rozměrů (rozměry)stavebních otvorů (otvory) a jejich zaměření. Dveře: -jsou vyrobeny dle ČSN, výška 197cm -šířka jednokřídlé-60, 70, 80, 90cm -šířka dvoukřídlé-125-185cm Konstrukce dveří: -rám z masivního dřeva, výplň-voština, plášť z DTD -povrchová úprava-přírodní dýha (dub, buk, mahagon, olše,…


Production: Historical furniture: -seat furniture, table furniture, storage furniture, beds, vestibule walls (wall). Home accessories: -bars, étageres, hunting accessories, steps, stands, statues (sculpture) bronze, marble, lamps (lamp), chests (chest), mirrors (mirror), vases (vase) garden. Interior features: -doors, gates, doors, consoles, ironwork, fireplace portals, wall coverings …

J&T SYSTEM s.r.o.

Products, product, services, service of first-class quality: -plastic windows and doors -euro windows, doors -steel security doors -garage doors -accessories (blinds, window sills, insect nets) Delivery work: -removing the original windows (window, windows) and doors -construction -Masonry work -removal and disposal of construction waste and original fillings.

VP Okna, s.r.o.

The company holds the ISO 9001:2008 certificate. Production, sale, assembly: - hole fillings - plastic, PVC, wooden, aluminum windows, balcony and entrance doors OTHERM, SULKO, REHAU, SALAMANDER, BRUGMANN, 6-7 chamber windows, replacement windows - euro windows -plastic windows with wood imitation - wood-aluminum windows -decorative door panels PERITO, VP TREND - TRIDO garage doors -…

STYL - Juraj Mihoč

Prodej. Španělské glazované obklady a dlažba: Serie: -Apolo a Norto -Aranda, Duero, Andorra a Teruel -Aris -Aroa atd. Rustikální dlažba, dlažby: -Atanea Beige -Pairal -Capri Cuero -Cardial -Decor atd. Parketovky: -Tivoly -Olmo Beige -Olmo Cuero -Olmo Viejo -dlažba Escudo. Mrazuvzdorná dlažba: -více druhů - Petra Crema, Acropolis Beige, Petra Beige atd. -Aquiles -Roncal …

Milenium CZ, s.r.o.

Sale: -screen printing inks and products of the company KFG Italiana for the Czech Republic and Slovakia -SERIPLASTIK SMP plastisol ink for printing on textiles (highly opaque, very fast direct drying, suitable for direct printing and transfer, does not contain heavy metals, there is a mixing system according to PANTONE for opaque shades) -SPECIAL TEXTILE-water-based paints (wide range of…

KRBYSTAV Josef Kopeček

Stavba, výstavba krbů, krby, kamen, kamna a sporáky. Výroba, výrobce a prodej kachlů, kachle. Prodej krbové vložky, krbových vložek a obestaveb. Prodej kouřovodů a kamnářské potřeby. Výroba, prodej: -keramické kachle na stavbu a ozdobu krbů i na kachlová a sporáky -tvary moderní, secesní i rokoko, jakož i různé tvarovky, lavice, římsy, pásky a rohy. -výroba kachle i podle…

OPTIMI, spol. s.r.o.

Originální finský systém OPTIMI Firma je držitelem certifikátu jakosti ISO 9001:2001 Zasklívání lodžií a výklenků - světový patent: -bezpečnostní tvrzené sklo -hliníkové profily -mobilní zasklívání. Sídlo společnosti: 10000 Praha 10 Dubečská 4/74 Tel: 274 818 721 Fax: 274 822 827

Ferona, a.s.

Wholesale metallurgical material: -rod material-I, U, L, T, HEA, HEB, IPE - concrete steel -non-ferrous, non-ferrous metals: -copper, aluminum, tin, brass, lead, bronze -fasteners -screws, nails, washers, rivets - fittings, nuts -anchors, dowels -tubing -yells, yells, yells, yells -valves - sheets - strip steel -mesh, mesh -wires -rope, rope -chains -…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

A-Keramika Brno

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Raab Karcher

Wholesale, retail: Purchase online or in a network of 50 brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. We offer you a wide range of building materials: -bricks -roofs - facades -isolation - tiling - tiles -ambulance -bathrooms -colors -door -windows -tool -machinery - profiles -plasterboards -wood - fences -fasteners -concrete elements for the…

Spraying Systems Czech, s.r.o.

The manufacturer is the holder of the certificate ISO* 9001:2000. Nozzles for spraying equipment. Production, sales, consulting: -liquid, air, two-media spray nozzles Spraying Systems - bayonet, automatic, hydraulic, rotating, special -washing, dust removal, cooling, lubrication, fireproof - applying, moisturizing, cleaning, drying, high pressure Services, work,…


The company SENSOR BOHEMIA s.r.o. is a traditional manufacturer of modern automatic water control sanitary equipment. These devices, which are developed and manufactured by SENZOR, are the flagship program of the company. They combine the progressive and economic optoelectronic principle of operation with elegance and comfort. We also deal with stainless steel production, toilet cabins and…