Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

RMC servis s.r.o.

Realization of interiors, interior -remodeling, remodeling, housing construction cores, housing cores -reconstruction of buildings, buildings, construction -renovation of bathrooms, bathroom -sale, assembly, implementation of fireplaces, fireplaces, fireplace, fireplace stoves, fireplace inserts, fireplaces building kit. Sales, retail, wholesale: -ceramic tiles and paving, paving …

Kalianko Radim

Voda + topení + plyn, zednické práce. Instalatérské, topenářské a plynařské práce. Vodo, topo, plyn, vodoinstalatérství, topenářství, plynofikace včetně přípojek, kompletní služby: -montáž, servis, opravy, oprava plynových spotřebičů, zařízení -rozvody vody, plynu, vytápění -odpady a kanalizace -servis a prodej kotlů značek Junkers, Buderus, Termona, Bretie, Protherm, Atmos. Kotle…

Petr Jeřela

Plumbing, heating, hot water, gas. Assembly, repair, overhaul, revision and testing, test of dedicated gas equipment. Sale, retail of boilers, JUNKERS boiler. Installation of heating, water and gas distribution systems. Heating technology - comprehensive services ranging from small renovations to larger projects. We carry out installations, including the supply and assembly of boilers,…

Vojtěch Vymyslický, spol. s r.o. - Stavitelství, truhlářství

Construction activity, company, construction: -implementation, changes, change, reconstruction, housing construction, family houses, house, new buildings -removal of buildings, construction, building -industrial, engineering, residential and civil buildings -repairs of monuments, monuments -project activity -business and brokerage - turnkey constructions Joinery, production, sales…

CZ SVAZIKO Vyškov, s.r.o.

Electroplating - galvanization: - galvanizing - decorative chrome plating - nickel plating - tinning -phosphating -blackening -coppering - tumbling. Electrochemical polishing of stainless steel. Wholesale, retail: -fasteners -pins, pins, nails -nuts, tensioners, keys, washers, washer -screws, screws, plugs, plug -setting food rings, ring. - nails -anchor technique -…

Pavlačka Radek

Construction activity: -realization of buildings -reconstruction - facade insulation systems STOMIX - interior modifications -plaster work - tiles, tiling -paintings, paints, plasterboards. Sale: - heating systems - facade paints and plasters. Realization of buildings, reconstruction. Facade insulation systems. All construction work.

Petr Zálešák

Wholesale, retail, sales: - plumbing, heating material, gas company - equipment water, hot water, gas -pumps, pump, waterworks, waterworks -bathrooms (showers, faucets) -sanitary ceramics, sinks, sink -heating, radiators, heating, heating ladders -heaters, boilers, karmas, karma, boilers, boiler - black galvanized pipes, -copper fittings and pipes for water, heating and gas…

Stříž Radomír - PODLAHOVINY

Sale: Flooring: - PVC, linoleum, rubber, carpets, floating floors, vinyl floors, cleaning zones, parquet, cork, leveling materials, stair edges, transition profiles, adhesives, varnishes. -FORBO NOVILON - official dealer -LINO FATRA - official dealer -Tarkett - official dealer -BARVY PRIMALEX - Coloring center of all kinds of colors -RIGIPS - official dealer of dry construction products…

ATOS-elektro, s.r.o.

Exclusive representative of the foreign company HESMO for interior lighting. Sale of interior and exterior lighting fixtures, GLOBO, ESTO, EGLO, MASSIVE. Industrial automation: -automation, measurement and regulation technology - service of industrial electrical machines and other electrical equipment -electrical installation up to a voltage of 1000V -overhauling of industrial electrical…

Lukáš Binder

Sale: -materials for painters and painters - interior and facade colors - MISTRAL, HET, TELURIA, TIKKURILA, PRIMALEX... - water-dilutable paint materials on wood and metal - TEBAS-BALAKRYL COLORS, AUSTIS -ETERNAL, BUILDING PLAST-SOCRATES... - synthetic paints for wood and on metal -BALAKOM, COLORLAK, JOHNSTONES-LEYLAND TIKKURILA, BL PRAGUE... - special…

Barvy - Laky - Lukáš Binder

Retail, sales: -rattan (rattan) furniture -beds, armchairs, swings, dining and sofa sets, hall walls, chairs, chests of drawers -home accessories -flower tables and others. Sales, assembly, repair, service, services: - water-heating-gas - installation material -central heating - gas appliances - water installation, gas installation -pressure tests + revisions -boiler, boiler …

Zdeněk Králík - Pila Nechvalín

Pila-pořez dřeva, dřevo. Dřevovýroba: -eurookna, dveře (vnitřní, venkovní) -dřevěné podlahové krytiny -dřevěná podlahová krytina, podlaha: -parkety, parketa -palubky, palubka -průmyslová mozaika -používané dřeviny (dub, buk, jasan, ořech a další) -srubové domy, sruby, dřevěné domy, dřevodomy na zakázku.

Petr Kašník

Práce na střechách, střechy: -klempířství, pokrývačství, tesařství -montáž střešní okna, okno, oken VELUX palubkové obklady, vložkování komínů, komíny -střešní izolace THERMODEK, IZODEK -nátěry střešní prvky.

ZWT s.r.o.

Retail, wholesale, sale: -glue, KLEIBERIT glues -pneumatic coupling tools and PREBENA coupling material: -stapling, nailing and combined pistols -hand stapler, staplers -machines for joining veneer using KUPER fusible fiber, including manual machines -abrasive agents from the Austrian company BOHR.

Gemite EU s.r.o.

Gemite EU s.r.o. - v likvidaci. Progresivní stavební materiály, stavební chemie: -přísady do betónů -sanační malty -hydroizolační nátěry -ochrana výztuže -podlahové vrstvy. Použití systému GEMITE: -povrchy cest -mosty -tunely -letištní plochy -přístavní doky -ČOV, nádrže na pitnou vodu -čerpací stanice pohonných hmot, vodojemy -komíny, chladící věže -produktovody, přehrady,…