Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Praktis e-shop - Vše pro dům, byt, zahradu

Praktis is an online e-shop where you can choose from a wide range of products in several categories, including housing, garden, kitchen or construction. We can also offer various sealants, construction silicones, Christmas and seasonal assortment. This practical e-shop also provides professional advice on the purchased assortment. We offer products in the following industries: -…

Miroslav Turek - Truhlářské Potřeby

Our company sells carpentry supplies. For our clients, we are able to provide ABS edges for all sheet materials available in the Czech Republic. We also offer all the adhesives needed for the production and assembly of furniture, from dispersion, through chemoprene in spray, to construction assembly adhesives. We can also offer quality chipboard cleaners to manufacturers of chipboard furniture.…

Günter Hanke

Earthwork with an excavator - 5 tons on rubber tracks and a wheel loader of 4 tons Cutting grass with a machine, cleaning streams, repairing roads rubble storage, waste management transportation of containers 4 tons sale of gravel, sand, concrete gravel sand wood handling in stock hairdressing area in Javorník near the train station

WORLD INVEST - Kamenictví s.r.o.

Production of stone elements for our own constructions, but we also produce a complete portfolio of cemetery and garden architecture. Production: - building architecture - tiling of facades, buildings, paving, stairs, staircases, window sills, fountains, stone nicknames, laying stone carpets - garden architecture - garden furniture (tables, benches), statues, memorial plaques, ornamental…

Vágner stavby s.r.o.

The company Vágner stavby s.r.o. offers masonry work, plastering and insulation. Masonry work: - reconstruction of housing units, apartments - reconstruction of old buildings - paving tiles - demolition work - breeding plaster. Plastering: - suspended ceilings - roof windows - attic accesses - coffered ceilings - reconstruction of attic spaces. Warming up: - insulation of…

C & C engineering s.r.o.

In 2020, our activity was expanded to include the supply of metallurgical material, especially in the areas of: energy, petrochemical, paper and construction industry. The main commodities are: pipes and their accessories, sheets, profiles, forgings and fittings. We are engaged in the production of pipelines, pressure units, weldments, steel structures. We weld the following materials:…

Novoklima - VECTOR BAU s.r.o.

Společnost Novoklima - VECTOR BAU s.r.o. nabízí montáž a servis klimatizačních jednotek, tepelných čerpadel, topení, elektroinstalace, vodoinstalace. Dále provádíme dodávky těchto zařízení včetně montáže prakticky na klíč. Samozřejmostí je vypracování kalkulace a návrhy technických řešení. Montáž, servis, oprava: - klimatizační jednotky - vzduchotechnika - tepelná čerpadla - bojlery …

Anhel M.Y.V. s.r.o.

Anhel M.Y.V. s.r.o. je stavební firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro zlepšení vašeho domova, zahrady nebo bytu. Mezi jejich speciality patří pokládka zámkové dlažby, stavba a oprava plotů, vytváření a údržba chodníků, zateplení fasád a další. Firma má dlouholeté zkušenosti a spokojené zákazníky v Praze a okolí. Na jejich webových stránkách si můžete prohlédnout ukázky…