Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Josef Menc

Projekce - elektroinstalace Revize - elektroinstalační práce - slaboproudé rozvody Opravy a montáž - hromosvody Montáž - fotovoltaika

Jiří Šustr

Professional assembly company. Assembly, connection, installation, post-warranty service: - shower boxes, shower box, shower boxes - massage and steam boxes - showers. Brands: - ARTEC, HOPA, OLSEN SPA, GELCO, ROLTECHNIK, SANI PRO, AQUA and others. Other terms: - shower, massage, steam box corner.

Kohlgas, s.r.o.

Zpracování - projektová dokumentace elektra Elektroinstalační práce - elektrorevize Obsluha, provoz, opravy a rekonstrukce - výměníkové teplovodní, horkovodní a parovodní stanice - předávací stanice horkovodní Obsluha, provoz, opravy a rekonstrukce - kotelny na plynná, kapalná a pevná paliva rozúčtování celkových nákladů SV,TUV a tepla na jednotlivé uživatele Obsluha,…

KOMMA MaR, s.r.o.

Are you looking for a solution to protect your home from lightning? We are specialists in lightning and surge protection and we are happy to offer you our services. KOMMA MaR is a small company that specializes in protection against lightning and overvoltage and solves it as a complex task in connection with the construction elements used. We offer processing of risk analysis assessments,…

Koupelny Vinohradská, s.r.o.

Koupelny Vinohradská is a purely Czech company that has been operating on the market for several years. At our studio you can view the most modern products for your comfort and design of your bathroom. The services we offer include a complete service for bathrooms, but not only for them. These include, above all, consultancy, personal orientation by some of our trained salespeople, but above all…


Do you need a new heater? Do you want to carry out heating or gas renovations? Contact plumbers and heaters from KOVO Johan! Our priority is your satisfaction. The advantage of our company is professionalism and many years of experience in the market. We process price offers free of charge after focusing or from the supplied project documentation. We offer installation of heating and…

KSK Praha-inženýrské stavby s.r.o.

Company KSK Praha-inženýrské stavby s.r.o. specializes in the construction and reconstruction of engineering structures - especially water management character. Furthermore, our services include excavation work, pipeline installation, demolition, road construction and landscaping. You can find us at Na Škrobech 246, Jinočany, Praha-západ. Construction activity, construction, reconstruction,…