Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Leoš Škorpík

Mixing center. Work, services: -painting, painting, painting, rehabilitation - apartments, administrative and production premises -glazing, decorative plastic paintings of various structures on walls and ceilings in interiors and exteriors - multi-colored sprays - high-pressure spraying with airless system - spraying and coating of roofs - fire-fighting sprays. Distribution, wholesale,…


Energy and ecological equipment. Machining: -special spare parts. Specialized production: -fasteners -nuts. Repairs and overhauls: -steam turboaggregate up to 25 MW capacity. Balancing: -rotors and rotary components. Production: -water Kaplan turbines for small hydraulic power plants. Babbiting and reconditioning: -bearings made of antifriction metal. Sale, service and…

D + R Břeclav, spol. s r.o. - Barvy, laky Daněk, Remiáš

Velkoobchod, maloobchod s barvami: -barvy, laky, fasádní barvy, barva -míchání syntetické barvy 5000 odstínů. -malířské, natěračské, lakýrnické práce: -nátěry oken, okno, okna, dveře, střechy -variopaint, umělá omítka, fasády, fasáda, dekorativní úpravy bytů, zateplování fasády, fládrování -protipožární nátěry -lité podlahy, litá podlaha -míchání barev-Leyland, Body, Barlet …

MAGNUM Parket, a.s.

Datum zániku:03.07.2014 Výroba, prodej, export, vývoz: -třívrstvé parkety, třívrstvá parketa -plovoucí podlahy -výroba, prodej dřevěných třívrstvých podlah -eko-brikety -doplňkový sortiment: -schodové profily -obvodové lišty a přechodové profily -čistící a údržbové prostředky. Velkoobchod, maloobchod, dovoz, import: -laminátové podlahy, laminátová podlaha -dýhovaná podlaha …

MACEK a SYN s.r.o.

Production and assembly: - family indoor and garden pools, complete accessories - cleaners, steps, tarps, heating equipment (electric, gas, solar), equipment for swimming against the current, skimmers - dirt collectors, lighting (underwater reflectors) -tanks, sumps, septic tanks, ornamental tanks, lapels, grease separators, water measuring shafts -vats, barrels for water and wine -fishing…


Design and construction of electrical equipment: HIGH CURRENT/WEAK CURRENT -Assembly, repairs, reconstruction of electrical installations in civil and industrial construction -KNX/EIB intelligent wiring -Electric heating systems -Measurement and control -Production of switchboards up to 1000V -Interior/exterior lighting, public lighting - Lightning conductor systems -Electronic…

Ing. Jaroslav Hrbáč

Furniture production, sale: -kitchen lines in standard and above-standard designs, including the supply of electrical appliances -renovation of kitchen units (replacement of worktops, doors, sinks, ...) - dining room furniture (sideboards, tables, ...) - entrance hall sets, built-in wardrobes and wardrobes - living room walls, bedrooms, children's furniture -office furniture - wall…


Company PS-INSTALATER, based in the Hodonín district offers all plumbing, gas and heating works. Our activities include complete installation of hot and cold water pipes in plastic, as well as installation of sewer lines, maintenance of the water supply network, as well as gas distribution and gas equipment, including the supply of appliances and project documentation. We install heating…

Heat Transfer Systems s.r.o. HTS - Tepelné výměníky

Heat Transfer Systems s.r.o. from the Czech Republic, which is an EU Member State, is a part of the global LU-VE Group and focuses on designing and manufacturing lamellar heat exchangers for refrigeration industry, air handling technologies and air-conditioning. These are condensers, evaporators, heating, cooling equipment, etc. We carry out design, construction, production and sale: -…

Šroubárna Ždánice a.s.

Dovoz, import spojovací materiál, normalizované součásti. Firma patří mezi nejdůležitější dodavatele spojovacího materiálu v České republice. Prodej-spojovací materiál: -speciální šrouby -speciální matice -normalizované součásti, normalizované šestihranné matice, šestihranné samojistné matice, závitové tyče, čtyřhranné přivařovací matice, čepy s hlavou, závrtné šrouby, šrouby s válcovou…

Kamenictví Hodonín s.r.o.

Masonry production from granite, marble and sandstone: -construction of new monuments, production of tombstones -all grave repairs, including inscriptions and accessories - complete construction of fireplaces and delivery of individual parts and linings, dealer prices - kitchen and bathroom countertops -stairs - windowsills - all tiling and paving in the exterior and interior - atypical…


Oprava, servis: -záruční i pozáruční -veškeré plynové kotle (kotel), sporáky, topidla a jiná plynová zařízení, plynoinstalace. Autorizované měření emisí a spalin. Montáže a revize: -všechny plynové spotřebiče do 50 kW -kotle plynové Dakon, Mora, Protherm, Destila, Fagor, Chaffoteaux et maury, Viadrus, Thermona -zásobníky vody Quantum, John Wood -průtokové ohřívače Karma,…