Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

KOUPELNY CASCADA, spol. s r. o.

Maloobchod, prodej, expozice: - koupelnový nábytek - obklady - dlažby - vany, umyvadla - hydromasážní rohové vany-10trysek 140x140cm - sprchové kouty - baterie - WC mísy - kompletní poradenský servis - obklady a dlažby zn. RAKO, BOHEMIA GRES, Keramika Horní Bříza, a.s. - koupelnové doplňky - grafické návrhy a rozpočty koupelen. Vzorková expozice koupelen na ploše 500m2…

MH stavebnictví - Miloslav Hladík

The company MH stavebnictví - Miloslav Hladík has been dedicated since 1991, as its name suggests, to its construction activities. We focus on the construction of houses, low-energy bungalows, insulation of apartments, roofs, facades and reconstructions. Furthermore, our services include the sale and installation of windows and doors made of wood, plastic and aluminum. You can find us in the…

Tomáš Vyhnálek

Production of construction carpentry and carpentry: - furniture production - production of windows and doors - production of garden furniture - production of other carpentry products - wall and ceiling coverings - furniture repairs - repairs of construction carpentry products - assembly of furniture - ensuring the installation of appliances - graphic 3D furniture designs -…

HABRA s.r.o.

Retail, sale, repair, service: - Kärcher professional cleaning technology - sweeping and suction machines, vacuum cleaners - high pressure cleaning and washing machines - accessories and cleaning products. - INTERPUMP and PRATISSOLI high pressure pumps - MISTING humidification and cooling of air by water mist - MUNTERS industrial heaters HABRA-KÄRCHER store: …

DOPOS Přelouč s.r.o.

Výroba, prodej, montáž, demontáž, zednické práce: Okna, dveře - plastová okna, dveře - hliníková okna, dveře - dřevěná okna, dveře Stínící technika - žaluzie - vertikální žaluzie - horizontální žaluzie - venkovní žaluzie - vnitřní žaluzie - stínění střešních oken - rolety, markýzy, látkové roletky Sítě - sítě proti hmyzu, síťové dveře - rolovací sítě, posuvné…

Daniel Morávek

Joinery. Construction carpentry and carpentry production. Sawmill production and wood impregnation. We manufacture wooden windows and Euro windows. We also produce various entrance and interior doors. Our offer includes deliveries of custom-made wooden stairs. We handle special carpentry work and supply historical replicas of antique furniture. Place of business: At the glass factory…