Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

ATJ special, s.r.o.

Wholesale, sale, import, import: -water installation material -slides -brass quick couplings -brass fittings -aires, filters -ball valves -control valves -plastic program for home connections -ground sets, house connections -pipe fittings -flaps -plastic impact fittings -ground ball valves -water meters -repair material, connecting pipe material -drilling belts -marking sets …

SEPARA - EKO, spol. s r.o.

ALTERNATIVNÍ ZDROJE ENERGIE. Studie, projekt, dodávka, montáž, servis i pozáruční: -tepelná čerpadla MASTERTHERM, REGULUS, ATREA, ZUBADAN, ROJEK -otopné systémy pro budovy, RD - rodinné domky -topení - podlahové, ústřední, vzduchotechnika, rekuperace, větrání -solární systémy -výstavba a dodávka malých i velkých fotovoltaických elektráren, fotovoltaické elektrárny -tepelná čerpadla …


Construction bazaar. Sale, bazaar, purchase: -building -used, surplus building material -bricks, gravel, sand -fitinky -tubing -drain pipe -fittings -electric, sanitary ware tiling, bathtubs, windows, doors, door frames -tools, tools -mixers -boilers, boiler, radiators -engines. Services: -transport, import -security of craftsmen. Rental: -tool. Construction…

ERDING, a.s.

Construction activity, preparation, projection, realization: -ground construction -buildings thermal energy -buildings of industrial, administrative and civic amenities incl. their technical equipment. Sale: -pre-insulated pipes. Operation of heat sources.

MINVIT, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales, delivery -building materials, construction material - extended assortment. -bricks - insulating materials, cardboard, polystyrene -plasterboards -welded nets -construction chemistry -colors -dry plaster mixes, mortars, facades -roof coverings -windows (including roof), doors -pavement - construction tools -concrete fence posts, vineyard soup kitchens,…

ALSTOM s.r.o.

THERMAL POWER SERVICE - tel. 545 102 266 Kompletní servisní a montážní služby Projekty, inženýrské práce, dodávky na klíč Opravy všech energetických kotlů Potrubní systémy a zařízení pro energetiku a strojírenství Parní elektrárny Elektrárny s plynovými turbínami a kombinovanými cykly Průmyslové elektrárny Komunální teplárny MODERNIZACE KOTLŮ - tel. 545 103 629 Retrofit, rekonstrukce,…

Tomáš Weisz

Sample office. Sales, assembly: -windows (plastic, euro windows) -all types of blinds, blinds and repairs -summary door - sill plates -garage door -front window blinds.

Ardex Baustoff, s.r.o.

Representation of the Austrian company GUTJAHR. Sales, consulting: - building material GUTJAHR -walls and ceilings -gray cement screed - white facade putty - internal filling and leveling trowel material -smoothing trowel -bonding, insulation -flexible adhesive mortar - waterproofing material - parquet powder adhesive with ARDURAPID effect - elastic tile adhesive …

ABAUT s.r.o.

Wholesale, sale: -connecting material (screws, nuts, washers, split pins, rivets, screws). Connecting technology. Anchoring technology (chemical anchors, anchors for small, medium and large loads, dowels) -special insulation. Nailing tools: -gas nailers -cartridge devices (nailers). Drilling and demolition equipment: -electronic screwdrivers -drilling, demolition hammers -drills…

VAKOMO s.r.o.

Montáž, rekonstrukce, modernizace, servis, oprava: -systémy měření a regulace (MaR) průmyslových zařízení. Prodej: -polovodičová spínací relé - SSR s příslušenstvím -výkonové polovodičové spínací jednotky -chladiče pro polovodiče s příslušenstvím -regulátory teploty PID, indikátory, limitní jednotky -čidla teploty -kompenzační vedení -software pro monitorování a …

Hansgrohe CS s.r.o.

A subsidiary of the German company Hansgrohe. Sale: -sanitary equipment-bathroom equipment - assortment of Hansgrohe, Axor brands - plumbing sinks, showers, bathtubs and kitchen faucets -showers, shower sets, hoses, holders - shower panels - bathroom fittings - bathroom accessories, sinks, bathtubs, radiators - thermostatic shower and bathtub faucets -waste technology -…

TANTO s.r.o.

Our company was founded in 1993 and is a supplier of protective coating systems that can be used in a wide range of industries. We supply high quality products that meet high corrosion resistance and withstand all aggressive conditions caused by chemical and industrial environments. You can use paints in usual conditions but also in extreme ones such as chemical environments or high temperatures,…