STARNIT s.r.o.
Wholesale, retail, sale of building materials: - bulk materials - wall materials - concrete products -roof coverings - waterproofing, thermal insulation - heating systems -plasterboards -drainage systems -windows, doors, stairs.
Wholesale, retail, sale of building materials: - bulk materials - wall materials - concrete products -roof coverings - waterproofing, thermal insulation - heating systems -plasterboards -drainage systems -windows, doors, stairs.
Stavební firma: -železobetonové stropní konstrukce -stavby na klíč -rekonstrukce bytových jader -půdní vestavby -sádrokartonářské práce -pokládka dlažby -zámková dlažba -vymývaná dlažba do terčů. Stavebniny: -veškerý stavební materiál -obklady a dlažby -sanitární technika -nářadí pro stavebníky -nátěrové hmoty, tmely, silikony -písek, štěrk, drtě.
Prodej, montáž, pokládka: -parketové a dřevěné podlahy -laky, tmely, lepidla BONA -plovoucí dřevěné a laminátové podlahy -korkové podlahy -koberce, PVC. Služby: -podlahářské práce -renovace stávajících podlah -vyrovnání stávajících podlah -stavební chemie SCHÖNOX -bezplatné poradenství.
Prodej, montáž: -vše pro voda, topení, plyn, odpady -tvarovky, ventily, fitinky, potrubí, drenáž, hadice -kotle, bojlery, čerpadla, radiátory -sanitární technika, keramika.
Our company Sakutus CZ a.s. manufactures ECORA infrared heating, which is used for ceiling heating of residential, office, industrial and economic premises. We also produce heating panels (thermal plates) for local heating, mainly for heating animal beds. They are used in the breeding of young animals, such as piglets, puppies, etc. They are commonly used to improve thermal comfort in kennels…
Delivery, assembly: -assembled halls -metal building systems - used halls - sandwich panels PUR and mineral -eshop -halls for production, industry, trade, shopping centers, warehouses, sport, agriculture. Reconstruction of industrial and agricultural buildings with new insulation - sandwich panels -heating of halls Engineering and consulting services,…
Kompletní rekonstukce bytových jader, koupelen. Prodej, montáž: -obklady, dlažby -vany, sprchové kouty -vodovodní baterie -koupelnový nábytek.
Services: -plumbing and roofing work -slanted and flat roofs -carpping work -insulation of buildings -assembly of roof windows -soil built-ins.
Wholesale, retail, sale, assembly, warranty and post-warranty service, revision: -gas and oil burners PBS Třebíč, VPS Hradec Králové, ZTS Litomyšl, JUNKERS, BENETONE, OLYMP, FERROMATT, DUNPHY, ACV, HOVAL -boilers VAILLANT, JUNKERS, MORA, ETI, DAKON, BUDERUS, IMMERGAZ, INTERCONTI, HERMANN, ARISTON. Installation, maintenance: -gas installation of family houses and civic amenities …
Dodávka, montáž výplní stavebních otvorů: -dřevěná okna, Eurookna, TWW, ALBO -plastová okna, ALUPLAST, TROCAL -hliníková okna, dveře -prosklené stěny -fasádní stěny -zimní zahrady, okna, dveře, stěny HARTMANN, AL systémy -garážová vrata -vnitřní parapety -vnitřní a vnější žaluzie -sítě proti hmyzu.
PARADISE OF COLORS deals with wholesale and retail sales of paints and varnishes. We also provide services such as mixing paints or filling sprays. We have several branches in which we will be happy to advise you. Our branches are in Košice near Tábor, Písek, Jindřichův Hradec, Sedlčany and Tábor. Representation of paint manufacturers HET, TELURIA, Color varnish, AkzoNobel, BODY, OSMO, In…
Retail, sale: -paints and varnishes -putties and adhesives -autoemaily -Painting Supplies -protective equipment. Services: -mixing of acrylic car paints and metallics -mixing of industrial paints and coatings.
Retail, sale: -paints and varnishes -putties and adhesives -autoemaily -Painting Supplies -protective equipment. Services: -mixing of acrylic car paints and metallics -mixing of industrial paints and coatings.
Retail, sale: -paints and varnishes -putties and adhesives -autoemaily -Painting Supplies -protective equipment. Services: -mixing and painting of painted and painted facades of the company HET -mixing of acrylic car paints and metallics -mixing of industrial paints and coatings.
Velkoobchod, prodej: -akumulační kamna -elektroinstalační materiál. Distribuce, prodej: -LPG -propan-butan -technické plyny.
Production: -cabinets -residential, industrial - measurement, regulation. Work: - electrical installation.
Wholesale, sale: -screws, nuts -fasteners.
The company DH Dekor spol. s r.o. manufactures wood-based board materials and modifies these materials by lamination, formatting and production of furniture parts. We also produce impregnated paper of various decors and sizes. Production: - furniture parts - laminate boards - veneered boards - fiberboard - chipboard - building boards - impregnated paper. Fast and reliable deliveries,…
Stavební práce: -veškeré stavební práce.
Services: -assembly and repair of electrical installations -assembly and repair of lightning conductors -assembly and repair of lighting -assembly and repair of heaters -electric heating, storage heaters -assembly of antennas, Humax satellites. Sale: -electric large white technique -electric small appliances -electric black technology -televisions, hi-fi towers, videos,…
Sales, assembly: - RIGIPS plasterboards - single-sided tiles -floors - suspended ceilings - single and double-sided crossbars - tiling of sloping surfaces -roof coverings and turnkey roofs - internal thermal and acoustic insulation - mineral ceilings - interior paint materials -soil constructions -roof windows - residential cores.
Production: -swimming pools - wading pool -pool chemicals -wastewater treatment plants - containers for the collection of sorted waste -hotbed -plastic barrels -water measuring shafts.
Services: -production and distribution of heat -property management and maintenance -repairs of motor vehicles - road freight transport - plumbing work -heating works -locksmithery. Assembly, repairs, maintenance and revision: - dedicated electrical equipment. Specialized retail in the field ambulance: - contracted dealer NOVA SERVIS ZNOJMO - lever batteries METALIA,…