Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

David Linhart

Činnost, dodávka, montáž, práce: - dokončovací a zednické práce - malířské práce - plovoucí podlahy - dřevěné podlahy - sádrokartonové systémy - kompletní schodišťový systém - obklady starých schodišť - zámečnické práce, zábradlí, vrata, brány.

KHmont s.r.o.

Complex work for apartment buildings, industrial buildings, production halls in the fields of BTI (water-sewerage-gas) and CH (heating systems), cooling (cooling systems). Delivery, sale, assembly: - gas boilers brand DeDietrich - Stiebel Eltron heat pumps. Boiler rooms, energy industrial equipment: - construction and reconstruction of gas boilers. Our company has been operating on…