Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Lubomír Vančura - Instalatér Brno

Drink & service Brno Transport together with your car to the destination: - personal driver service - hiring a driver, in case of loss or withdrawal of a driver's license - services are provided only in Brno and its surroundings according to the agreement - accident insurance. Other terms: drink&drive, drink taxi, drink service, drink pick-up, car pick-up from parties, celebrations, pubs,…

Podlahy Hajný

Our company has been operating on the market since 1995 and offers our customers a complete service in the implementation or renovation of floors and floor coverings. Our floor studio offers a varied overview of floors for the interior of living spaces, but also for areas under significant stress, such as entrance corridors, offices or establishments. We will gladly recommend a suitable type…

Luboš Olišar

Sestavení - solární elektrárnyprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Montáž - kolektorové systémy pro ohřev vody i vytápěníprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Izolace proti vodě a radonu - zatepleníprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Stavby - domy na klíč - zemědělské objektyrekonstrukce - budovyprojekt - ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Zámečnické práce - kovovýroba

Luboš Semrád

Cleaning of gas boilers Construction - Solar Panels - heat pumps (air-water, earth-water) Boilers: - automatic (for pellets, grain, coal, coal, wood) - gasification for piece wood - classic burn-off - gas - stoves - with hot water exchanger - automatic for pellets - DHW and additional heating - central heating (radiators and underfloor heating) …

Luděk Hák

Prodej - hromosvodový materiál měď a pozink Zateplování fasád Opravy historických fasád Opravy fasád Klempířské práce Prodej - plastové okapy WAVIN - žlaby pozink, titanzinek, měď - nerezové okapy Střechy - opravy - rekonstrukce Prodej - střešní šindele IKO - střešní krytiny BRAMAC Dodávka - střešní okna VELUX, SOLÁRA Prodej - plechy měď,…