Jiří Heřmanský
Joinery. Custom production - pergolas - furniture - kitchen counters - staircase - fences - inbuilt wardrobe.
Joinery. Custom production - pergolas - furniture - kitchen counters - staircase - fences - inbuilt wardrobe.
Prodej - kuchyňské spotřebiče - rozvoz po Praze Prodej - matrace i dětské - rošty - dětské židle BERNKOP a nafukovací sedačky - zdravotní matrace - rozvoz po Praze Prodej - rafty Prodej - potahy na matrace - lůžkoviny i dětské - chrániče matrací - gumotexový záchranný systém - rozvoz po Praze Prodej - zdravotnické a rehabilitační…
E-shop - antenna and satellite technology - coaxial cables - wires - adapters - accessories - sound system
Joinery work Design and implementation of interiors Production - kitchen furniture - inbuilt wardrobe - interior door - staircase
Joinery: - custom production of wooden windows and doors.
Montáž - žaluzie - sítě proti hmyzu Montáž - plastová a euro okna - vnitřní a plastové dveře - parapety Montáž - střešní okna
Production - wrought iron bars Production - forged gates, gates Production - forged accessories and metal decorations - Garnish Production - metal fences - railings - forged stairs Production - forged steel structures Welding work Performs all - locksmith, blacksmith work production - metal decorations, fences -…
Prodej, montáž a servis - žaluzie - sítě proti hmyzu Výroba - žaluzie - sítě proti hmyzu Dodávka - dřevěná a plastová okna - dveřevýroba, prodej, montáž, servis - parapety
Delivery and installation: - security locks, security and fire doors, interior doors, door frames, door upholstery, chip door opening, electrical installation.
3D návrhy Výroba - kuchyně Výroba - kancelářský nábytek Zakázková výroba - nábytekvýroba - vestavěné skříně - sektorový nábytek
Topenářské práce Rekonstrukce - interiéry Pokládka - podlahové krytiny Rekonstrukce - kuchyně Montáž - plastová okna Sádrokartonářské práce Rekonstrukce - bytová jádrazednické práce Rekonstrukce - koupelny Vodoinstalační práce
Carpentry work, carpentry. Production, sale: - poker tables, stylish poker tables: - PEDRO, MIRAGE, BRUNO, RAMON, DIEGO - a removable, easily stackable table for poker tables. Custom production: - interior furniture, interior furniture: - kitchen units, kitchen - children's rooms - student rooms - living rooms - bedroom - dining rooms, tables, chairs -…
Activity: - painting works - coatings and spraying of facades - plasterboard work - plasterboard partitions, ceilings, walls - installation of coffered ceilings - sanding parquet, or their repairs - laying of floating floors, PVC - laying of carpets, heavy, residential - wallpapering - decorative spraying and plasters - installation of blinds, shutters - horizontal, vertical - masonry…
The company Jiří Jaroš - Zista performs all earthworks, and also provides complete supplies of water, gas and sewerage connections, including project documentation. We offer landscaping, paving, including the implementation of substrates, cleaning of watercourses, including modifications of riverbeds and banks or repair of roads. We also provide trucking and crane work. Another activity we deal…
Sales, installation and repairs: - blinds
Development, sales: - software control and visualization systems Production: - switchboards
Custom carpentry production - the kitchen - bedroom - inbuilt wardrobe - children's rooms - atypical furniture.
Zpracování a montáž - kámen schody, kuchyňské desky, obklady, dlažby - kamenosochařství Výroba - koupelnový nábytek Výroba - koupelnový nábytek
Import, sale: - interior doors and frames of the German company SCHIRLING - interior doors and frames of the Czech manufacturer, the company Boulit - forging. Construction activity: - construction of family houses and businesses - reconstruction and redevelopment - attic installations - complete insulation of facades.
Custom furniture production from laminate and solid wood
Plynoinstalační práce Montáž - plynové kotle Opravy - plynové kotle