Home accessories

You too can have a cozy home with a wide range of homewares such as soft furnishings - pillows and blankets, candles, rugs, picture frames, vases, decoration, lighting, frames, designer tableware, mirrors and paintings. All you can get in a beautiful and original design.

DELFI spol. s r.o.

Production, delivery: - built-in custom cabinets - kitchen counters - blinds - floors. Residential architect (consultation). Atypical furniture production. Tailor-made furniture. ISO 9001. Wholesale: - corpus panel - complete machining of sheet material - production of small series.

Jiří Vacek

Glassmaking. Glass work: - glazing - windows, doors, shop windows, kitchen doors - grinding and drilling flat glass - custom-made mirrors, even faceted. Production, gluing: - glass furniture - aquariums, terrariums. Services: - framing, mounting - paintings. Sale: - paintings, posters RC modeler - flying school with models.

Josef Žižka - INTERIA MOST

Sales and assembly: - office and seating furniture - a wide range of load-bearing carpets and home carpets - vertical and horizontal blinds - furniture walls - PVC coverings, linoleum - upholstered and leather sofas - a chair - decorative and upholstery fabrics - furniture fittings - curtains - wallpapers. Services: - processing the design of the interior solution…

Stanislav Čajka

Prodej, montáž: -bytové doplňky -plovoucí podlahy Decostep, Eurostep, Magnum, Parador, Funfloor -žaluzie hliníkové, látkové -těsnění okna, dveře, oken, dveří -shrnovací dveře -čalounění na dveře -sítě proti hmyzu -těsnící prahové lišty -samolepící těsnění -vestavěné skříně -sádrokartonové vestavby Knauf, Rigips -rekonstrukce a opravy střech -dekorační nástřiky interiérů Sigmulto …