
To household equipment inherently belongs furniture. In the rich assortment you will find the classic, double and bunk beds, conference, dining or writing tables, office chairs and armchairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, shelves and racks, showcases, seats or sofas.


Wholesale, retail, sales: -bathrooms: -equipment, bathtubs, sinks, tiles, batteries -bathroom furniture -bathroom accessories. Reconstruction of bathrooms and apartment cores, including cutting panels, etc. Distribution of plumbing, waste, RD new water supply, sewerage, etc. Reconstruction of houses and apartments. Replacement of solid fuel boilers, pellets, fireplace inserts,…

Karel Drobil

Truhlářství, truhlářské práce. Výroba: - eurookna, dřevěná okna - dřevěné dveře - kuchyňské linky, kuchyně - nábytek (restaurace, kanceláře, školky) - koupelnový nábytek - vestavné skříně - postele - skříňky, komody - nábytek z masivu - dřevěné schodiště - pergoly, lávky.