
To household equipment inherently belongs furniture. In the rich assortment you will find the classic, double and bunk beds, conference, dining or writing tables, office chairs and armchairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, shelves and racks, showcases, seats or sofas.


Our company Ok interiér deals with the design, manufacture and sale of custom furniture and accessories. We produce built-in wardrobes, kitchen units, atypical furniture, office furniture, bedrooms, home offices, children's rooms, dressing rooms, hanging walls, living walls, TV walls, chests of drawers, computer desks, beds, bathroom furniture. Interior accessories: interior doors, blinds,…

Bohumil Blaško - B&BCompany

Sprostredkovanie obchodu Výroba drevených obalov Výroba kuchynského nábytku Maloobchod s elektromateriálom Výroba nábytku - neremeselná Výroba nábytku do kancelárií Výroba drobných výrobkov z dreva Pílenie hobľovanie a impregnovanie dreva Montáž, oprava a údržba elektrických zariadení Veľkoobchod mimo koncesovaných živností a drahých kovov Maloobchod mimo predajne mimo koncesov.živností…

Tracor CZ, s.r.o.

Sale: - building materials - bricks, plasterboard - tiling, paving - concrete products - roofing - plywood, lumber Tel: 774 420 177 Custom furniture production: - wardrobes - kitchen Construction work. Sales, assembly: - plastic, wooden, aluminum windows, doors Road transport: - national, international freight