Medicines and drugs

You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

Vltavínská, s.r.o.

Pharmacy sales, services. Services: -preparation and dispensing of prescription drugs -dispensing over-the-counter medicines - specialized sale of medical footwear - sale of baby food - sale of medicinal cosmetics - consulting activity -measurement of pressure, weight and BMI index - online shopping. Sale: -prescription drugs - free sale -against allergies, acne, eye preparations…

Lékárna Helios - Helios Pharma s.r.o.

Lékarna prodej, služby. Služby: -příprava a výdej léků na recepty -výdej volně prodejných léků -specializovaný prodej zdravotní obuvi -prodej dětské výživy -prodej léčebné kosmetiky -poradenská činnost -měření tlaku, váhy a BMI indexu -on-line nákup. Prodej: -léků na předpis -volný prodej -proti alergie, akné, oční přípravky -intimní hygiena, čaje, tonometry, repelenty,…

Lékárna U Zlaté koruny - SWISSPHARMA spol. s r.o.

The company SWISSPHARMA spol. s r.o. operates a network of pharmacies, dispensaries and an e-shop. In our assortment you will find prescription drugs, food supplements, over-the-counter medicines, teas, baby food, cosmetics and other products. In the laboratories of our pharmacies, we will be happy to prepare ointments, solutions, powders or capsules according to your individual doctor's…

Tomanová lékárny s.r.o.

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical preparations - vitamins - teas - baby food.

Tomanová lékárny s.r.o.

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical preparations - vitamins - teas - baby food…

Tomanová lékárny s.r.o.

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical preparations - vitamins - teas - baby food.

Tomanová lékárny s.r.o.

NEW PHARMACY. Services: - dispensing - prescription drugs - preparation of individually manufactured medicines - issue and sale of medical equipment - additional sales - medicinal teas, children's cosmetics and nutrition, medical cosmetics, medical footwear. Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical preparations - vitamins - teas - baby food.