Medical aids and material

A rich assortment of medical supplies and materials offers products for hospitals and private individuals in the form of fixation and dressing materials, prosthetic goods, disinfection products, syringes, stomických and inkontinenčních equipment and other goods.

Čistá pohoda s.r.o. - Ekologické produkty pro domov a mazlíčky

Společnost Čistá pohoda, s.r.o. je firma, která se zaměřuje na produkty a služby pro úklid a čistotu Vašich domovů se zvířaty. Jedná se především o vůně do vodních vysavačů, čističek vzduchu, parních čističů, kartáče a o hřebeny pro psy a kočky. K výběru jsou k dispozici perfektní francouzské kartáče a šampony pro efektivní vyčesávání a koupání psů a koček, enzymatické čističe BactoDes, které…

Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benešov, a.s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje

Rudolf and Stefanie Benešov Hospital, a.s. provides comprehensive medical services to patients from Benešov and the surrounding area. We have a total of twenty specialized health departments, most of which provide both outpatient and inpatient care. An integral part of the complex is also a hospital pharmacy and a shop of medical supplies. You can find us at Máchova 400. Hospital: - outpatient…

Oblastní nemocnice Kolín, a.s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje

Regional Hospital Kolín, a.s., hospital of the Central Bohemian Region provides comprehensive care in a wide range of medical disciplines at a high professional level. Our workplaces are modernly equipped. There are two pharmacies with a wide range of medicines and a medical shop in the hospital area. Department of Kolín Hospital:  - orthopedic department  - Department of Obstetrics and…

ADVAMED s.r.o. - zdravot.materiál pro kliniky a lékaře

The Advamed company was established in 2013 when the Comesa, spol. s.r.o. company split in two parts. The division of Interventional cardiology and radiology, Urology and Gastroenterology and the Division of consumables went over to the Advamed company, while the Comesa, spol. s.r.o. company continues in its activities in the orthopedic field. The Advamed s.r.o. company is a supplier of…

Orthopedica s. r. o.

Manufacture and sale of children's orthopedic panties. These panties ensure the proper development of the baby's hips during the first 6 months of life. Morávek's children's orthopedic panties serve not only to correct the developmental defects of the baby's hips, but also as a prevention. The panties are made of quality cotton and silver fibers. They were clinically tested at the Motol…

Lékárna U Matky Boží - Mgr. Michaela Saglenová

Pharmacy Mníšek, sro has qualified staff who will always be happy to advise and help you. We can also offer our customers a wide range of products such as vitamins, food supplements, ointments, cosmetics and teas. Of course there is a prescription medication. Pharmacy, sale: - medicines, medicines - prescription drugs - over-the-counter medicines - nutritional supplements - vitamins, teas…

MediFrank, s.r.o.

Internetový obchod - kojenecké potřeby - zdravotnické potřeby Dodávka - kojenecké zbožídistribuce - látkové bavlněné pleny Distribuce - osušky - žínky, ... Dodávka - zdravotnické potřeby (gynekologické a inkontinenční prostředky, rehabilitační pomůcky, ...)