Cosmetic services Wellness center Massage
Odborné poradenství a lektorská činnost v oblasti speciální pedagogiky a terapie
Physiotherapy for acute and chronic pain conditions and problems of the musculoskeletal system - rehabilitation within neurological diagnoses including spinal cord lesions - children's psychomotor counseling - professional rehabilitation of infants and older children - rehabilitation of children with central coordination disorder, including DMO Children's psychomotor…
Klinická logopedická péče
Poradenství v oblasti alternativní medicíny zdraví, mezilidské vztahy, výživa Reflexní lymfodrenáž - reflexní orgánová terapii
Fyzioterapie: - masáže.
Counseling in the field of family, civil, property and commercial disputes, teaching activities
Services: - operation of the radiodiagnostics office - performing an X-ray and OPG examination -ultrasound.
Services: - operation of the radiodiagnostics office - performing an X-ray and OPG examination -ultrasound.
Services: - operation of the radiodiagnostics office - performing an X-ray and OPG examination -ultrasound.
Psychological counseling - psychodiagnostics - psychotherapy.
Court expert - in the field of psychology - psychological counseling for children, youth and family.
Courses: - occupational therapy - physiotherapy. Physiotherapy - sports physiotherapy - ergonomics - podiatry - rehabilitation of the jaw joint and post-traumatic and post-operative conditions - back pain, McKenzie therapy.