Mgr. Jiří Vencl
Services: - homeopathic clinic
Services: - homeopathic clinic
MANDALAM Center for Life Balance - Massages
Services: - special pedagogical counseling - assistance in tutoring in the Czech language, mathematics and in a foreign language and also in other subjects according to the needs of the pupil, student - diagnosis and troubleshooting of learning and speech problems - learning styles - finding a way to learn effectively (for primary school pupils, high school students, university students) -…
Services - psychotherapy - coaching. Business - address: Nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad 1382/2, Prague 2.
Psychologické poradenství a diagnostika
Services: - Nutritional therapist - drawing up a diet plan - plan of physical activities
Astrologie, tarot.
Services: - psychological counseling - psychotherapy.
Psychologické poradenství a diagnostika
Services: - physiotherapy - psychosomatics
Provozování solárií Hostinská činnost Masérské, rekondiční a regenerační služby -Provozování tělovýchovných a sportovních zařízení a organizování sportovní činnosti
Rehabilitation center Šumava - rehabilitation, physiotherapy. Private surgery - address: Na Nábřeží 3, 370 01 České Budějovice.
Services: - psychotherapy - psychological counseling
-Mimoškolní výchova a vzdělávání, pořádání kurzů, školení, včetně lektorské činnosti Psychologické poradenství a diagnostika
Services - psychotherapy - psychoanalysis - psychological consultations.
Neurological clinic for adults. Specialist doctor in the field of neurology.
NEMOS Practical Medicine Center - a network of general practitioners 'and outpatient specialists' surgeries.
Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services Locksmithing, tool making - Renting and lending of movable property - Mediation of business and services -Accommodation services -Wholesale and retail
Wellness consulting - nutritional nutrition
Léčba přírodními prostředky
Services: - consulting in the field of nutrition, prevention of civilization diseases, detoxification of the body and weight regulation