Metal gates and fences

Forged fences or gates can protect your property and in addition they will look good. Choose automatic or manual gates or artistic and mechanically produced metal fences and beautify your house the traditional material, which will serve you for a very long time.

Stavoklima Liberec, s.r.o. - Zámečnická výroba

We are locksmith production, supply of air conditioning, plumbing production and repair and reconstruction of roofs. Locksmith production:  - steel structures including assembly and cladding  - grilles, hatches, staircases, protective railings  - gates, barriers, steel sheds  - handling trucks, storage and loading containers Supply and installation of air-conditioning:  - extraction of…

Miloš Košťál - Zámečnictví M+M

Our company based in the Liberec district is primarily engaged in locksmith and blacksmith work and metal production, such as grilles and fences. We also offer sales and transportation of metallurgical materials and welding work. Last but not least, we deal with light and medium freight transport. We rely primarily on compliance with predetermined conditions.

Marek Bilý

Firma Marek Bilý poskytuje svým klientům služby v oblasti stavebnictví. Zaměřujeme se zejména na zemní a výkopové práce, demolice, kanalizace a vodovodní přípojky, příjezdové komunikace, parkoviště, chodníky i pokládku zámkové dlažby. Provádíme také veškeré terénní úpravy a realizace plotů a oplocení. Pokud Vás naše nabídka služeb zaujala, neváhejte nás kontaktovat.

Stavebniny Pyrám s.r.o.

You can find a wide range of building materials at Stavebniny Pyrám s.r.o. We can offer you insulation and masonry systems, facade adhesives, adhesives and screeds, Ytong, bricks, concrete elements, building chemicals, pavements, tiles and tools. You can also buy maintenance-free aluminum fences, fertilizers from suppliers Forestina and Nohel Garden, welded and knitted gabions, vinyl floors…

Unigem, s.r.o.

Protipožární nátěry Dodávka - garážová a průmyslová vrata Natěračské práce - protipožární, tovární haly, budovy, interiéry kanceláří, prodejny, ... Malířské práce - byty, chodby, ... Plynoinstalační práce Topenářské práce Návrh a realizace - interiéry - kanceláře, prodejny, byty, chaty Sádrokartonářské práce Podlahářské práce …


Locksmithery Ivo Vrátil offers a wide range of locksmith work and custom metalwork. We provide cutting, bending and bending of sheets, welding and production of stainless steel. We are located in Hodkovice nad Mohelkou in Liberec district. Metalwork:  - turning work  - welding, welding  - milling work, milling  - bending profiles on the hydraulic press  - drilling holes up to 60 mm…