Metal gates and fences

Forged fences or gates can protect your property and in addition they will look good. Choose automatic or manual gates or artistic and mechanically produced metal fences and beautify your house the traditional material, which will serve you for a very long time.

Jaroslav Pokorný - JP Výroba a prodej pletiva-stavby plotů

Production and sale of mesh - turnkey fence construction. Galvanized and plastic-coated mesh, production of ribbed mesh in custom frames, ribbed strings, posts, struts, gates, gates, industrial fencing, decorative, breeding and forestry mesh, galvanized and plastic-coated wires, shielding fabrics, connecting material, underlay boards, playground fencing .Vineyard posts and wires.

ZUGÁRPET, s.r.o.

Jobs, services: -construction locksmith work, gates, wickets, fences, pergolas - galvanized, komaxit -lining houses -facades -transport -car service -car service -truck service.

EZ BARÁK s.r.o

Production: -electrical installation work, electrical installation -home installations, LV MV and HV distribution, lightning conductors, low-current distribution, security of buildings, revision of electrical equipment LV, MV -locksmith work -assembly of fencing, production of gates and gates to order, including drives and controls, replacement and repair of building hardware, locks.

Tomáš Vidoň

Zabýváme se prodejem, montáží a servisem plastových, hliníkových a kastlových oken a dveří. Hliníková okna, hliníkové dveře, kastlová okna, kastlové dveře, garážová vrata sekční, posuvné, dvoukřídlé, rolovací. -střešní okna - Fakro, Velux -předsazená montáž oken -montáž parozábrany tzv. 3D systém -stínící technika -žaluzie -předokení rolety -předokení žaluzie -vertikální žaluzie …


Production, sale, assembly: -construction and locksmith work -aluminum construction, stainless steel construction - fences -grids -railing -balconies, terraces -parking for cars -floors - entry barriers. .roofing -VPC floors Office and sample room CZECH FENCE s.r.o. J. Fučíka 3, CZ-69141 Břeclav Opening hours: by appointment phone: +420 603 538 425 e-mail: …

AmonisMetal s.r.o.

AmonisMetal s.r.o. focuses on metalworking. Our main activity is the production of suspension fixtures for galvanizing, plastic coating, powder coating and wet coating. We also manufacture a wide range of machines and participate in the development and modernization of production and handling machines. We are certified for the railway industry EN 15085-2. Metalworking:  - hinge fixtures for…

Radek Polák

Our company Radek Polák, based in the district of Břeclav, offers its customers the implementation of laying interlocking paving on sidewalks and driveways. We also deal with the implementation of construction work, such as reconstruction of houses, construction of fences, demolition work and other construction activities. We also have experience with the complete implementation of apartment…

Petr Brandner

Our company Petr Brandner, based in the district of Brno-venkov, offers its customers all locksmith services and related metal production (metal stairs, smaller steel structures and prefabricated halls, fences, etc.) and welding work. We offer you: - complete locksmith work - building locksmithing - metal production (stairs, fences, gates, smaller prefabricated halls and steel…

Petr Valášek

Společnost Petr Valášek se již více než 15 let se specializuje na dodávku, montáž a servis zasklívacích systémů. Zabýváme se zasklením balkónů a lodžií, zastřešením bazénů, stíněním, hliníkovými altány, pergolami a zimními zahradami. Montujeme také hliníkové zábradlí a hliníkové ploty a brány. Nabízíme také hliníkové profily. Pracujeme s materiály té nejvyšší kvality a působíme po celé České…

HB - kovo - Jakub Hamrla

The company HB - kovo deals with locksmithing and metalwork for Brno and its surroundings. We manufacture railings, stairs, doors, gates, etc. We rely on the high quality of our products and each of our customers must be maximally satisfied. Locksmithing and metalwork: - railings and handrails - stainless steel railings and handrails for interior and exterior - stairs - steel stairs for…

Karel Meluzín

Firma Karel Meluzín se zabývá veškerou činností v oblasti prodeje, montáží, oprav a servisu stínící techniky. V rámci naší činnosti se specializujeme především na dodávku a montáž žaluzií (venkovní, vnitřní, dřevěné, hliníkové, vertikální, horizontální, manuální i elektrické), rolet, markýz, (terasové, balkónové) a sítí proti hmyzu, Současně také nabízíme renovace těsnění u všech typů oken a…