Landscape, park and garden design

Taking care of the garden is sometimes a great burden. Regular cleaning, planting trees and plants, the implementation of landscaping, digging of ponds, laying of carpet lawn. All these and many other landscape, park and landscaping can brighten every land.

Zeleň servis, s.r.o.

Plant care. Service: -milling of tree stumps -trimming and felling of trees -tying tree tops - designs, planting greenery - garden reconstruction -inventory of woody species -mowing the grass area -projection of gardens and parks -planting of trees and shrubs.


Návrhy, montáže, realizace: -automatické závlahy -zahradního osvětlení -zahradní jezírka, potůčky, fontány. Práce: -sadové úpravy -sečení a údržba zeleně -kácení stromů i v nepřístupných místech -terénní úpravy -oddrenážování pozemků -údržba zahrad: –sečení, hnojení, prořez keřů a stromů. Stavební práce: -pergoly a krby -kamenné zídky -bazény -výkop studní +…

Hostýnská Lesní Společnost s.r.o.

Wood storage. Sale: -wood. Services: -forestry: - afforestation - timber transport -landscape: -establishing draws, biocorridors and biocenters -greening, green care and draws - public greenery: -risk felling, arboriculture -planting of ornamental greenery -lawn farming - disposal of tree stumps - chipping.

JK KAMEN s.r.o.

The company JK Kámen Kroměříž specializes in laying stone carpets on floors, balconies, terraces, stairs and staircases indoors and outdoors, as well as the entrance. The stone carpet consists of marble, river, stone. The stone floor is very practical, thanks to the fact that it is without joints, its maintenance is easier than with tiles. We have recently included concrete gravel in our offer. …

Valašskokloboucké služby, s.r.o.

Technical Services: - business in the areas of waste management - operation of cemeteries - funeral service - purchase of goods for the purpose of resale - metalworking - locksmithery - work with earth and construction mechanisms - intermediary activity in the field of trade - assembly, repair and revision of exclusively electrical equipment - production of low voltage switchboards -…

Zahrady Hykel - Dalibor Hykel

Garden services: - design and implementation of the garden -terrain work - planting lawns -modification and maintenance of rock gardens -cutting, shaping trees and bushes - year-round maintenance of the garden, lawns, bonsai, plants - designs and implementation of automatic irrigation systems. Sale: -woodchips -bonsai material and tools.


Collection, disposal: -municipal waste, phone: 572633350 - of hazardous waste, phone: 572632612 -sorted waste, phone: 572632877. Purchase of raw materials, phone: 572632757. Prakšická Landfill. Waste disposal, phone: 572633350. Maintenance: -communication and public lighting Phone: 572632762 - public greenery, composting Phone: 572632762 - cemeteries, phone: 572633593.…

TREND ABC s.r.o.

Práce: -štěpkování porostu -výkopové -mobilní tryskání ( povrchové úpravy ) -frézování porostu -zahradnické práce -opravy stožárů VVN, VN -sprava a údržba nemovitostí -zámečnictví -zednictví -lesnictví, těžba dřeva -práce s těžkou technikou.