Landscape, park and garden design

Taking care of the garden is sometimes a great burden. Regular cleaning, planting trees and plants, the implementation of landscaping, digging of ponds, laying of carpet lawn. All these and many other landscape, park and landscaping can brighten every land.

Lumír Kratochvíl - Eko Prag

Lumír Kratochvíl - Eko Prag performs ground and excavation work. We deal with the removal of fallen trees, including stumps, and their storage at the landfill, shaping the terrain, planting lawns, laying grass carpets, including the delivery of soil and substrates. We also offer demolition and demolition work. Earth and excavation works: - removal of fallen trees, including stumps, and their…

AVE Kladno s.r.o.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

AVE Kolín s.r.o.

AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …

Purum s.r.o.

Purum s.r.o. is a Czech company operating in the field of waste management. As part of our services, we mainly focus on the removal and transportation of waste, disposal of waste and hazardous waste, their recycling and recovery. Our services also include environmental consulting, facility management and cleaning and maintenance of sewers. You can find the offices of our company at Mníšek pod…

Zahrady Gut - Ing. Dalibor Gut

Gut Gardens - Ing. Dalibor Gut performs turnkey gardens - design, planting, subsequent consulting and maintenance. We establish gardens according to your requirements, which we supplement with our professional knowledge and many years of experience. We offer all gardening work, from planting a window box to planting mature trees of several meters. We also provide planting and maintenance of…

OK GARDEN s.r.o.

Our company OK GARDEN s.r.o. is active exclusively in the field of garden architecture and landscaping, thus we continue the activities in the field of design, implementation and maintenance of greenery. We specialize in landscaping for construction companies and turnkey garden supplies. We have sufficient technical equipment and qualified staff with many years of experience in the field. …


Our company offers you the following garden services: - turnkey gardens - complete garden projects - Supplies of plants and materials for your gardens - realization of gardens - solitary plants - irrigation - irrigation systems - gardening services - lawn, grass carpets - regular and one-time maintenance of gardens - wooden buildings.

A.V.S., s.r.o.

Zakládání a údržba zahrad: - rodinné domy - hospodářské objekty - volné plochy. Doma na zahradě: „Neudržovaná zahrada nevypadá o nic hůř než okolní příroda.“ PJ O Rourke něco v tom smyslu napsal v jedné ze svých knih. Ale my ne vždy žijeme obklopeni tím, co nazýváme třeba přírodou. Která je krásná, bezúdržbová, ale také všech a nikoho. Sami chceme mít její kousek doma – na zahradě –…

LandART atelier s.r.o.

Návrhy a realizací veřejné zeleně, zeleně průmyslových objektů,zeleně v interiéru a také soukromými zahradami: - poradenství v oblastech zahradní a krajinářské tvorby - kompletní projektová dokumentace - počítačová vizualizace navrženého projektu - konzultační činnost - komplexní realizace exteriéru a zeleně v interiéru - trvalá smluvní údržba zeleně. Zahradnické…

ACER - Radek Moudrý s.r.o.

Gardening services. In its activities, the association focuses not only on hydroseeding and the establishment of purpose-built greenery, from private gardens to public parks, but also on regular maintenance of these areas. We provide comprehensive services starting with the project documentation, which may include computer simulation of the realized areas (for example, due to the age of the…

Ing. Tomáš Peiker

Specializovaná firma na Zahradnické práce COMPOST Zahradník, zahradníci TVORBA ZAHRAD : - sadovnické úpravy - návrhy, konzultace, poradenctví - realizace zahrad - terénní úpravy - osázení teras mobilní zelení - pokládání travních koberců, travní koberce - park, parky, tvorba a údržba parků REKONSTRUKCE ZAHRAD : - kácení a likvidace porostů - kácení stromů, prořezávání - strom,…

Zahradnictví Petr Křeček

In addition to selling ornamental shrubs and trees, Křeček horticulture also deals with the design and complete implementation of gardens. The plants we offer come from our production. You can buy for example thuje, deciduous and coniferous shrubs, fruit trees or shrubs and other ornamental plants. Horticulture, sale:  - ornamental shrubs and trees  - Evergreen Shrubs  - thuje,…

I.T.A.S. - stavební a realitní firma

Stavba na klíč: -rekonstrukce objektů -půdní ve stavby -rodinné domky -rekreační chaty -rekonstrukce střech a krovů. Izolace: -tepelná -akustická -střešní -proti vlhku. Zemní práce: -terénní úpravy zahrad -odvodňování staveb -bourací a úklidové práce. Autodoprava: -nákladní. Návrh a realizace: -úprava zahrad -opolocení pozemků (veškeré) -pergoly dřevěné a zděné…