Landscape, park and garden design

Taking care of the garden is sometimes a great burden. Regular cleaning, planting trees and plants, the implementation of landscaping, digging of ponds, laying of carpet lawn. All these and many other landscape, park and landscaping can brighten every land.

Ing. Kyselka Igor, CSc. - projektování a realizace zahrad a krajinářských úprav

Comprehensive services in the field of project activities are provided to his clients by Mr. Ing. Kyselka Igor, CSc. We focus mainly on project documentation of landscaping and gardens. If you are looking for a real expert in the field, do not hesitate to contact Ing. Kyselka Igor, CSc.

Petr Smíšek

Our company, Petr Smíšek from Prague, has extensive experience with various works of a general nature. In particular, I deal with such activities as furniture assembly and disassembly, hourly husband, household repairs, repairs in apartments of larger and smaller scales. Looking for a trustworthy husband of the hour? Do you want to leave work of a mundane and professional nature in your house,…

Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák

Pokud hledáte profesionálního partnera pro vaši zahradu, pak je firma Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák tou pravou volbou. Tato firma se zabývá projektováním zahrad, odbornou konzultací v rámci zahrad, realizací a údržbou zahrad a floristickou činností. Ing. Petr Slovák je zahradní architekt a florista, který vám pomůže vytvořit zahradu podle vašich představ a potřeb. Ať už chcete odpočinkovou,…

TurboDevils s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která se zabývá vnitrostátní nákladní autodopravou, odtahovou službou, půjčováním dodávek, ekologickou likvidací automobilů a autovraků a údržbou komunikací? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou TurboDevils s.r.o. se sídlem v Proboštově. TurboDevils s.r.o. je firma s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi v oblasti dopravy a aut. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro…

Renastav, s.r.o.

Renastav s.r.o. based in Prague, has been engaged in all construction activities for almost 20 years. We deal with both construction and reconstruction for the private and public sectors. We provide comprehensive turnkey deliveries and work from design and projection to building approval. We guarantee high quality, a professional and perfect level of work performed and an above-standard guarantee…

Naďa Málková - Zahradnictví Tursko

In addition to growing and selling ornamental plants, Tursko Horticulture also focuses on garden maintenance. We are a family gardener and we have been involved in our activities for many years. Horticulture, cultivation, sale: - ornamental plants and woody plants - fruit trees and shrubs - balcony plants - seedlings of vegetables and flowers - room flowers - boxes, flower beds -…

Služby města Cvikova s.r.o.

The main activity of the Technical Services of the City of Zwickau is the administration and year-round maintenance of the city. We take care of the maintenance of roads and sidewalks and their cleaning and winter maintenance. Our other activities include the removal of faeces, cleaning of sewer connections, removal of debris and other waste. We also provide all high-altitude work for the city,…

ArboGard, s.r.o.

The company ArboGard, s.r.o. has been creating gardens, garden architecture, various wooden buildings and wooden objects for many years. We implement large and small, intimate gardens. Our activities also include the creation of stone and wooden objects (roads, walls, pergolas, gazebos, shelters, bridges or footbridges, but also original garden furniture), planting and cultivation of greenery.…

Technické služby města Poděbrad s.r.o.

Technical services of the city of Poděbrady s.r.o. provide regular and extraordinary assistance in the administration and cleaning of the city of Podebrady. We provide routine maintenance of public lighting, operation of the collection yard, removal and disposal of common and hazardous waste, high-altitude work, treatment and maintenance of lawns, transport of water to pools and reservoirs,…

Technické služby města Jablonné v Podještědí, příspěvková organizace

The Technical Services of the City of Jablonné v Podještědí are a contributory organization under the auspices of the City. The main activities of the organization are ensuring the collection, collection and disposal of municipal and sorted waste in the cadastre of Jablonné v Podještědí, maintenance of public greenery, including complete machine and manual maintenance, maintenance and repair of…

Jan Stuchlík - Palivové dřevo

The company Jan Stuchlík - Forestry activities focuses mainly on the maintenance of greenery and sale of firewood. We offer our services to citizens, municipalities, small and large forest owners. We provide consulting services in forestry, forestry and logging. We provide trimming and felling of trees in gardens, including purchase of wood. Forestry services:  - Educational interventions,…

Adam epox s.r.o.

Adam Epox s.r.o. – Váš partner pro kvalitní a spolehlivé stavební služby. Hledáte stavební firmu, která zaručuje precizní práci, dodržení termínů a spokojenost zákazníka na prvním místě? Adam Epox s.r.o. je tím správným řešením pro Vás! Sídlíme na adrese Opavská 6230/29a, Ostrava a nabízíme široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavebnictví a zemních prací. Specializujeme se na výstavbu…

Technické služby města Mělníka, příspěvková organizace

The Technical Services of the City of Mělník is a contributory organization that was established in accordance with the Act on Municipalities, as amended. The main activity of the contributory organization is to ensure the cleanliness of the city of Mělník all year round. It offers its services in free capacity for all subjects. We provide repairs and maintenance of public lighting, maintenance…

Technické služby města Pelhřimova, příspěvková organizace

The company Technické služby města Pelhřimova, a contributory organization, takes care of waste management, public greenery, cleanliness and winter maintenance of roads, construction work, public lighting, cemetery management, sports grounds, parking, public toilets, markets, advertising and billboard areas of Pelhřimov. Waste management: - waste collection - rental of containers -…

Služby Města Milevska, spol. s r.o.

The company Služby mesta Milevska, spol. s r.o. provides activities to the city of Milevsko in the areas of public lighting management, public greenery, cleaning and cleaning of the city, collection and storage of municipal waste and the implementation of minor construction work. We run a public toilet, paid parking, landfill, composting plant. Our company operates information systems in the city…


The company Zahradní architektura Tábor s.r.o. designs and implements gardens and parks. Reconstruction of historical, castle and city parks. We take care of public greenery in various cities. The reconstructions also include the supply and implementation of building elements such as park stairs, fountains, retaining walls, paths and gazebos, interlocking and stone paving, threshing surfaces and…

Dušan Mihok - KOHIM STAV

Construction company: - turnkey buildings - insulation and reconstruction of facades - reconstruction of balconies -roofing and plumbing work -installation of skylights and skylights - insulation of flat roofs -excavation work - garden maintenance - locksmith and carpentry work - coating of roofs and plumbing elements.

Geogard, s.r.o. - stavební práce a údržbu zeleně

We are specialists in construction work and maintenance of greenery. We carry out the construction of turnkey houses, with which we have many years of experience. We also carry out reconstructions, paving and we also have experience with repairs of forest roads, construction of snow pits and fences. We are also helpful in the construction of utilities. It also focuses on repairs to the…

Služby Města Veselí nad Moravou

The contributory organization Services of the City of Veselí nad Moravou manages public greenery, local and special-purpose roads including bridges and parking lots, public spaces, urban furniture, traffic and orientation signs, public and festive lighting, playgrounds, sports grounds, castle park, funeral halls and city cemeteries, swimming pool, ice rink, cultural monuments of the city. It also…

PROPLANT GROUP s.r.o. - Lesní a okrasné školky Kelč

Company PROPLANT GROUP s.r.o. focuses on the cultivation and sale of forest seedlings for planting forest and ornamental nurseries and gardens, including in the vicinity of Valašské Meziříčí, Vsetín, Hranice and Přerov. We grow seedlings both in fields and in greenhouses. Growing of forest seedlings and plants - bare seedlings: - we grow as seedlings, undercut or nursery seedlings or as half…

Zahrady - Hastík s.r.o.

Horticulture Services Hastík provides professional horticultural services both at home and abroad. From renovation through maintenance to the implementation of gardens and rockeries, he also implements hedges or lawns. Services, design, implementation, maintenance, sale:  - ornamental and conservatory gardens, front gardens, memorial sites and greenery  - gardening services, design,…

Hodinový soused Michal Soška

Do you want to know what Hourly Neighbor Michal Soška can do for you? Then continue reading. The portfolio of services that Mr. Soška provides and with which he can help you includes construction and craft activities. Do not hesitate to contact him if you want to reconstruct, you need to perform masonry work, small electrical and plumbing work, laying floating floors and carpets, make tiles…

Eko farma Szance - Jakub Onderek

Eco farm Szance - Jakub Onderek from Mosty u Jablunkova offers all agricultural services. As part of my activities, I deal with the sale of mortgaged cattle and lambs. I also focus on mowing, turning and raking hay and silage, as well as baling and mulching and subsequent sale. At the same time, I also offer field preparation and other agricultural services. In the case of a request for…