Ing. Lukáš Borozidis
Eshop - supplies for ponds Implementation and service - garden ponds Sales and breeding - fish and sturgeon Feed technology - preparation, feed ingredients Sale - ornamental fish
Eshop - supplies for ponds Implementation and service - garden ponds Sales and breeding - fish and sturgeon Feed technology - preparation, feed ingredients Sale - ornamental fish
Kosení a údržba trávníků - ošetřování stromů a keřů - výsadby soliterní i liniové zeleně - ošetřování stromů - kosení hůře obhospodařovatelných pozemků - managementové a krajinářské zásahy - péče o chráněná území
Zahrady - parky - firemní areály - veřejná zeleňzahradní realizace - rekultivacezakládání a kosení - trávníkylikvidace - křoviny - pařezystříhání - živé ploty
Design and implementation: - garden architecture
Garden architecture - designs, implementation of gardens.
Services: - garden architecture, design and implementation - maintenance of greenery - mowing and lawn care - weed control - mulching and soil cultivation - sale of honey and beeswax
Services: - garden design - complete gardening services - realization of roof gardens - laying lawns - garden maintenance
Horticulture: - ornamental trees - conifers - deciduous trees - ferns - perennials - grass - roses - container plants
Návrhy a realizace - zahradysadové úpravy Servis - závlahy pro zahrady, parky
Our company is engaged in the cultivation of ornamental trees intended mainly for hedges.
Growing and selling Christmas trees. Advice on growing Christmas trees. Design and implementation of gardens. Plant care. Expert manager for private forests. Sale of tree seedlings and ornamental trees.
Čištění - interiéry vozů osobní a nákladní Úklidové práce - úklid sněhu Broušení - dřevěné podlahy Sekání trávy - čištění trávníkových ploch vertikutátorem
Orchards and gardens, landscaping, ponds, green roofs, stone walls and stairs, studies, projects, assessments of greenery - forensic expert in the field of dendrology, interior greenery and arrangements
Vnitrostátní nákladní doprava Zahradnictví Rostlinná výroba - zelinářství Chov zvířat
Ochrana přírody a krajiny Zahradní a krajinná architektura Lesnictví
Orchard and forestry services and works. Forestry services: - regular inspection of the condition of forest stands - marking of prunings and tests - marking of mining - cultivation projects. Landscaping and landscaping: - projects, gardens, parks, including implementation - adaptation of suburban forests - landfill reclamation - planting of watercourses.
Plant care: - mowing lawns (park and ruderal) - laying lawns - aeration of lawns - trimming and shaping hedges - pruning and felling of trees - stump milling - crushing and chipping of branches - planting of trees and shrubs.
Sale of ornamental trees and trees suitable for setting up hedges, including advice. Christmas, Advent, and soul ties. Realization of gardens - project, planting. Forest kindergarten
Projekce - zeleňnávrhy, realizace - zahradyzahradní architektura - tvorba zahradních prostranství
Felling trees Realization and gardens
Cultivation, sale: - seed mixtures for the establishment of flower meadows - seeds, seeds of medicinal plants - rock gardens.
Gardening, sale of flowers, stone, gardening supplies, etc.
Design, implementation, maintenance: - gardens, gardens - greenery, greenery - public greenery - roof gardens - ornamental and bathing ponds and streams Reconstruction of existing gardens.