Luděk Mikulčík - zásobníky na dřevo
Production, sale, assembly: - firewood tanks.
Production, sale, assembly: - firewood tanks.
Leoš Vašek se zaměřuje na prodej ručního, elektrického a motorového nářadí, žebříků, spojovacího materiálu, skleníků a zahrádkářských pomůcek.
E-shop: - Pet Supplies - gardening supplies - fishing equipment
Maloobchod, prodej, eshop: -krmné směsi pro domácí zvířata, psy, kočky, ryby, drůbež, králíky, hlodavce, exoty, želvy, okrasné a poštovní holuby -granule, zrniny, šroty, mražené maso, konzervy, pamlsky, vitamínové přípravky -klece, napaječe, krmítka -osiva, sadby, hnojiva, zeminy, postřiky -truhlíky květináče, fólie, svíčky -přípravky proti mravencům, hlodavcům, …
Retail, sales - assortment for the house, workshop, garden, household, rest and children's games - electro - household items and kitchen items - farm and garden supplies - hardware store - toys - stationery.
E-shop, internet shop: - packaging materials - bags, sacks, bags - wrapping paper, gift bags and ribbons - plastic utensils and cups - drugstores, cleaning products - candles - electrical, lighting - garden tools - car accessories and more.
E-shop: - grass mixtures, seeds - fertilizers - spraying - fertilizer spreaders and spreaders - sprayers - garden equipment, tools
Horticulture. Sale - flowers - Flower and vegetable seedlings - substrates, fertilizers - flower arrangements, bouquets.
Import, wholesale, e-shop: - plastic flower pots - flower pot packaging - boxes - flower pot bowls - frost - resistant flower pots Home Goods Store: Malé náměstí 303, Králíky tel .: 608 830 920
The company is engaged in the production and wholesale sale of wooden garden and home decorations. Manufacturing and Wholesale: - wooden garden decorations - wooden home decorations.
Import, sale: - products of traditional Polish manufacturers - wooden flower pots and flowerpots - flower pots - birdhouses and feeders - interior and garden decorations made of ceramics - textile interior decorations.
PLAXTON s.r.o. deals with custom production of tarpaulin cover from clear, smoky and colored PVC material. You will find us in České Budějovice, we carry out orders throughout the Czech Republic. Production, manufacturer, sale, assembly: - tarpaulin cover made of transparent material - tarpaulins made of PVC materials - cladding of pergolas, gazebos, outbuildings, terraces - cladding…
Retail, e-shop: - supplies for growing chili peppers - fertilizers, substrates, growing systems, lighting, irrigation.
Sales, e-shop, indoor cultivation: - aids, supplies for growers - lighting - ventilation and irrigation - fertilizers, substrates - flower pots
E-shop: - grills - measuring instruments - scales - nannies - Mobile Phones - camera systems - computers - watches - lamps
Gardening, sale: - gardening supplies - fertilizers - A wide selection of thistles and cypresses - ornamental trees and shrubs Design, implementation: - gardens, gardens
Production, sale: - shades for indoor cultivation of plants
Production and sale of birdhouse kits and insect hotels
V nabídce najdete originální měděné fontány ve tvaru ptáků, které mohou sloužit jako estetické doplňky pro zahradní jezírka nebo terasy. Kromě fontán nabízí také různé typy čerpadel a příslušenství pro zahradní vodní instalace. Produkty jsou vyrobeny převážně z měděného plechu a jsou známé svou kvalitní ruční výrobou.
Retail store with industrial goods - hardware store - Household Goods - gardening supplies -stationery
Prodej, e-shop: - betonové ploty - ploty z umělého i přírodního kamene - plastové plotovky - pletivo - dílce pro dřevěné ploty - obklady, dlažby - krby - zahradní dekorace, nábytek - kancelářský nábytek
Ivana Jandová deals in the sale of hardware supplies, fasteners, electricity, wiring materials, household supplies, garden and breeding supplies, feed, fishing supplies, home textiles, glass-ceramics, Christmas decorations, light chains, retro decorations. Sale: - hardware store - fasteners - electro - electrical installation material - Household Goods - garden supplies - Pet Supplies …
Retail, sale: - garden supplies - potted and cut flowers.
-Wholesale and retail trade -Provision of services for agriculture, horticulture, pond farming, forestry and hunting -Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities -Rental and lending of movables -Mediation of trade and services Operation of funeral services Sales of fermented alcohol, potable alcohol and spirits