Zahradní centrum Vsetín - Potůčky - Marie Machalová
Retail, sales: - cut, balcony, indoor plants - fruit, ornamental trees - fertilizers, flower pots, sprays.
Retail, sales: - cut, balcony, indoor plants - fruit, ornamental trees - fertilizers, flower pots, sprays.
Sales, eshop of garden tools, service: -Sorcer, Count -shears for branches, fence, grass -garden tractors -lawn mowers -trimmers -snow blowers -motor saws -brushcutters -grass seeds -branch shredders -cultivators, rotavators -verictators -garden fertilizers.
A specialist in family gardens and especially in luxury equipment and accessories such as robotic lawnmowers, lighting and exclusive trampolines. I also supply materials and plants for the creation of a garden, such as mulching bark and oysters, trees, etc.
Zahradnictví - prodej, e-shop.
Zahradnictví Levandule: - prodej rostlin, hnojiv, postřiků, zahrádkářských potřeb - realizace zahrad, údržba zahrad, realizace jezírek, údržba jezírek, stříhání stromků, osazování hrobů a výsadba žardinek. Odborné konzultace, projekty, realizace zahrad, jezírka, skalky: Jan Chlupáček, Dis. +420 739713452 [email protected] Eshop: - potřeby pro aranžování a…
Flower shop: - sale of flowers -tied wreaths and bouquets -potted flowers, indoor plants -wedding and funeral bouquets -cut, artificial, dried flowers -wedding, Christmas, Valentine's Day, funeral decorations -seeds, seedlings -fertilizers, substrates -perennials, annuals, balcony plants, vegetable additives, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, conifers, climbing plants -…
Florists, flower sales: -perennials, annuals, balcony plants, vegetable additives, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, conifers, climbing plants -tied wreaths and bouquets -potted flowers, indoor plants -cut, artificial, dried flowers -wedding, Christmas, Valentine's Day, funeral decorations -wedding and funeral bouquets -seeds, seedlings -fertilizers, substrates - flower pots …
Florists, flower sales: -perennials, annuals, balcony plants, vegetable additives, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, conifers, climbing plants -tied wreaths and bouquets -potted flowers, indoor plants -cut, artificial, dried flowers -wedding, Christmas, Valentine's Day, funeral decorations -wedding and funeral bouquets -seeds, seedlings -fertilizers, substrates - flower pots …
Sale: - outdoor palm trees - frost-resistant palm trees.
Květinářství. Služby: - nabízím svatební a smuteční vazbu, tvorbu a prodej věnců a dekorací pro různé příležitosti - aranžování, úpravy květin. Maloobchod, prodej: - řezané květiny - hrnkové květiny - pokojové i venkovní, trvalky, dvouletky, letničky (sezónní sadba) - živé květiny exotické, zeleň různých jakostí - aranžérské výrobky z květů - sušené a umělohmotné dekorace i…
Zahradní krámek - internetový obchod se specializací na BIO produkty nejen pro zahradu. Hnojiva, substráty, postřiky, travní směsi, krmiva, textilie, zahradní nářadí a jiné.
BARKONA SNAILS s.r.o - mushroom farm. Production and sale of mushroom seedlings for professional and amateur growers (Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus ostreatus, Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus eryngii, Edible tench - Shiitake, Dwarf - Grifola frondosa, Prickly pear - Hericium erinaceus, Glossy cork - Gan).
sale of cut flowers, potted flowers, vegetable additives, fertilizers, chemicals, ceramics and other small assortment.
Kovalčík Horticulture can be found in the village of Jalubí near Uherské Hradiště, we have a wide selection of flowers, plants and seasonal decorations. Sales - horticulture Babice, tel .: 725880874 offers the following products: - balcony flowers - perennials - ornamental trees - strawberry seedlings - herbs - rose seedlings - fertilizers, substrates - spraying. Decoration: …
Sale of garden supplies, seedlings and ornamental shrubs. We specialize in funeral wreaths and bouquets.
Flower shop. Retail, sales: - cut and potted flowers - interior decorations, seasonal decorations - gift items - needs for creation. Shop: -Work 1099, 760 01 Zlín Phone: 721022332, 775123530.
Flower shop. Retail, sales: - flowers - decorations, gift items - needs for creation.
Cultivation and sale of rare plants and seeds from the Tien-Shan mountains and other regions of the world. Cultivation and sale of Hemerocallis (Hemerocallis).
We offer the following services: delivery of bouquets in Olomouc and its surroundings, decoration of wedding and festive interiors and exteriors, tying wedding bouquets, flowers for wedding guests, bouquets for wedding cars, parterres for banquet and festive tables, tying funeral bouquets and wreaths, sale of cut and potted of flowers.
The Želechovice Garden Center focuses on retail sales and the implementation of gardens. Retail, sale: - seedlings, additives - soil, substrates, fertilizer. Floret. We will prepare flower ties of various kinds - wedding ties, birthday bouquets and mourning ties. We have a large selection of cut and potted flowers. Retail, sale: - potted flowers - flowers - geraniums, waxworms,…
retail and wholesale, sale: -gardening supplies - seeds - fertilizers, sprays - flower pots, packaging - gardening supplies.
Flower shop. Retail, sales: - flowers - cut, potted, dried - chests, flower pots - soil, fertilizer. Floral arrangement, bouquet. Flower delivery. Another store. - Zlín, underpass near the Svitu complex phone: 731489380; 733787615 Mon-Fri 6.30am-5pm, Sat 8am-12pm.
Internetový obchod, prodej: - vinařské potřeby - přípravky, lahve, korky, záklopky, laboratorní rozbory - zahrádkářské potřeby - sazenice, osiva, travní směsi, hnojiva, substráty, postřiky, ochranné pomůcky Květinářství FLOREUS. Prodej: - květiny - řezané, hrnkové. Služby: - svatební kytice, corsage pro ženichy, květinové přízdoby pro nevěsty do vlasů, květinové náhrdelníky a…
Online store, e-shop, e-shop, sale: - elimination of pests - preparations against slugs, bumblebees, moles, martens, bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, ants, wasps, hornets, flies, mosquitoes, ticks - sprays, repellents against martens, hares, dogs, cats - scent fences - electronic repellents - insect catcher - scaring birds - digital electronic scarecrows, electronic repellents -…