Kancelářský nábytek M1, s.r.o.
Sale - office chair, ergonomic - office chairs - office furniture.
Sale - office chair, ergonomic - office chairs - office furniture.
Sales, e-shop: -kitchen -office furniture and chairs -bedroom - wardrobes.
Sale - Italian design furniture
Renovation: - antique furniture - furniture. Custom production: - the kitchen - office furniture - bathroom furniture - furniture.
Joinery: - custom furniture production - wardrobes, tables, chairs, beds.
E-shop - sofas - bedroom - kitchen - living room walls - children's room furniture - office furniture - wardrobes
Sale - doors and BUILDING PLASTICS, production, sales, assembly, warranty and post-warranty service - HÖRMANN sectional doors Joinery production - kitchen units including SIEMENS, BOSCH appliances - wardrobes - tables - libraries - beds - sleeping floors - living room walls - bedroom - stairs - office furniture, conference tables, archives,…
E-shop: - massage, relaxation chairs - vibrating platforms - therapeutic couches. Practical teaching, training of medical school students: - the use, use and operation of medical facilities. Sales, retail, wholesale and service: - chairs (massage, relaxation) - vibrating platforms - therapeutic couches sale, delivery, assembly - facilities for social and nursing institutions…
Retail, sales: - French design furniture.
Retail, sales: -office chairs and armchairs - children's chairs - medical chair -conference chairs -ergonomic aids
Sale of designer furniture and accessories by Alessi, Adelta, Brionvega, Kartell, Vitra and others.
Sale of furniture - kitchen furniture - office furniture - rustic and seating furniture
Carpentry work. Production: -kitchen furniture -office furniture - seating furniture -wardrobes
Advertising Agency - web design - printing of advertising brochures - virtual tours - media presentation E-shop - rattan furniture - wicker goods
Online store, e-shop: -furniture. -beds. -tables, chairs. -mirrors.
Services: - domestic and international freight transport - forwarding - logistics - storage - metalwork Sales, e-shop: - seats - beds Chabařovice náměstí 9 May 199 phone: 734 440 444
Sale: - furniture - kitchen counters - sofas
Sale: -upholstered seating furniture. -sofas.
Sale of sofa sets, interior fittings
Solid wood products: - tables - chairs - furniture for restaurants and hotels
E-shop, internet sales - dining room, restaurant chairs - office chairs
Sale: - urban furniture (benches...) - office furniture - metal and gastro furniture - school furniture - furniture for kindergartens - hotel furniture.
Hodinový manžel, doprava nového nábytku s následnou montáží, zavěšení poliček, garnýží, svítidel, atd., plovoucí podlahy, vinyl, koberce. Betonářské a zednické práce, sádrokartony, drobné instalatérské, elektrikářské a klempířské práce, malování + veškeré práce na zahradě, rizikové kácení stromů. Dekorativní omítky, betonové stěrky, dřevěné a hliníkové pergoly, zvýšené záhony a další...
Společnost provozuje Internetový obchod s nábytkem a nákladní autodopravu do 3, 5 tuny.