Miroslav Lavingr
Autodoprava Úklidový servisvyklízení - nemovitosti Montáž a výstavba - ploty Výškové práce Udržování - veřejná prostranstvíkácení - stromy - keře
Autodoprava Úklidový servisvyklízení - nemovitosti Montáž a výstavba - ploty Výškové práce Udržování - veřejná prostranstvíkácení - stromy - keře
Services: - freight and van transport
Trucking: - van transport - truck transport.
Construction work: - construction of family houses - reconstruction of houses, flats - earth, excavation - interlocking paving - container truck transport.
Services - earthworks and excavations - container transport - removal of rubble, soil.
Services: - container transport - trucking - locksmithery
Preparatory and finishing construction work. Crane work up to 20 tons. Haulage: - domestic, national road transport - foreign, international road transport.
Construction activity - earthworks - utilities. Rental of construction machinery. Trucking - domestic transport - delivery and removal of containers. Locksmith production - gates and gates - staircase - steel constructions.
Společnost Karel Klusáček se specializuje na přepravu živých hospodářských zvířat, jatečného skotu, prasat a selat. Přepravní a dopravní služby poskytujeme regionálně i v rámci celé České republiky. Sídlo naší společnosti najdete v obci Močovice, okres Kutná Hora. Přeprava, doprava: - jateční skot - prasata, selata - jatečné ovce - jatečné krávy - hovězí dobytek - hospodářská…
Earth and excavation works and freight transport.
-Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in transport - Shipping and representation in customs procedures -Accommodation services -Providing services for agriculture, horticulture, fish farming, forestry and hunting - Management of reproductive material of forest trees -Mineral processing, peat and mud mining -Manufacturing metal structures and metalwork…
Activity: - earthworks, excavation work - demolition - construction, siltation of ponds - trucking. Sale: - sand, gravel.
The company Jaromír Jindřich operates road freight transport up to 3.5 t. We provide national and international road freight transport. Road freight transport: - domestic, international road transport.
Services: - earthworks and excavations - removal of clay, debris and waste - import of sand, concrete
Purchase: - iron, iron - paper - non-ferrous metals Another services: - disposal of waste, including hazardous waste - earthworks - container and truck transport - ecological disposal of car wrecks and vehicles
Services: - demolition and earthworks - recycling and storage of rubble, resin, concrete and many other materials - waste disposal - trucking - rental of construction machinery
Construction company. Construction, reconstruction: - civil buildings - family houses - utilities. Reconstruction, rebuilding: - apartments, housing complexes Insulation of the facade of the house. Work: - ground and excavation - demolition and demolition - maintenance of roads - painting and painting, painting and coatings. Assembly, repairs: - pipe distributions, pipe…
Work: - earth, excavation, dredging - trucking (waste collection, construction debris) - construction - laying interlocking paving.
Trucking - national transport of bulk materials. Earthworks - excavation work - demolition and demolition work.
Dopravní a spediční služby
Services: - national and international road haulage - forwarding Accommodations: - cottage Horní Polubný 57 tel .: 601 563 586
Truck transport: - domestic, national - foreign, international - truck transport up to 6 tonnes, van transport up to 3, 5, tons. Services: - forwarding, forwarding activity - shipping.
Services: - national and international freight transport
Services: - truck transport Car service, tire service: - phone: 603 490 747 Car rental - cars and vans