Inland freight transport

Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

ZUMI Transport s.r.o.

The company ZUMI Transport s.r.o. operates international and domestic express transport. We transport all types of goods and offer one-time and regular shipments. We provide truck transport in Europe, as well as sea and air transport around the world. We also provide short-term and long-term storage of goods. Services: - international road transport - domestic transport (oversized costs,…

Rychlá Ruka s.r.o. - Přeprava a nákladní autodoprava Ostrava

The company Rychlá Ruka s.r.o. from Brno with a branch in Ostrava provides freight transport using a car with a hydraulic arm, which facilitates the transportation and handling of construction or steel material. We carry out installation work of glass fillings and transport of racks with glass. The reach of the car with the hydraulic arm is 14 meters. We will provide loading and unloading of…


Společnost ILW STAVBY s.r.o. zajišťuje stavební práce, zámkovou dlažbu, stavbu plotů, údržbu komunikací, nákladní kontejnerovou dopravu a další činnosti. Disponujeme vlastním vozovým parkem, dílenským zázemím i dostatečnými skladovými prostorami. Tyto práce poskytujeme běžným občanům, ale i firmám či bytovým družstvům.