Inland freight transport

Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Robert Kvaček

Service offer: - road transport - rail transport - shipping and air transport - transportation of dangerous goods - loading transport - transport of containers - transport by refrigerated trucks - collection service - storage and logistics - information service and advice

DEMA Transport CZ, s.r.o.

The Czech company Dema Transport CZ is a branch of the Italian company Dema Service. We deal with the transport of white goods throughout Europe and in the Czech Republic. We have 30 cars. Since 2011, it has been using Eurowag services: tax refunds, fuel cards and tolls

MPSTAV HK s. r. o.

Building fillings - WINDOWS, DOORS - sale, installation, supply of high-quality Rehau plastic windows with Roto fittings - plastic windows, doors, conservatories, partitions - plastic windows from cheaper Brügmann profiles - wooden windows and doors - aluminum windows and doors Construction work - insulation of buildings - construction and reconstruction - housing cores,…

ČSAD, s.r.o. Rychnov n. Kn.

ČSAD - vnitrostátní doprava-Solnice - mezinárodní kamionová doprava Společnost je zaměřena především na provozování silniční nákladní dopravy se specializací na velkoobjemové přepravy a na spedici. Firma má vlastní technické zázemí. ČSAD, s.r.o. Rychnov nad Kněžnou je zkušený a spolehlivý partner v oboru logistiky automobilového průmyslu se specializací na Evropské státy. Prodej PHM…


Engineering and construction company VASPO VAMBERK, s.r.o. it divides its activities into two divisions. We are engaged in mechanical engineering, as well as the development and production of machinery and equipment for a wide range of industries. We offer design, development and construction work, including the supply of new machinery. We are able to ensure the development and production of…

Agrochem a.s. Lanškroun

Agrochem a. s. Lanškroun is the successor of the former joint venture for specialized services in agriculture ACHP Lanškroun. In addition to services for agriculture, our company also provides other activities: - production of feed mixtures for farm animals - domestic and international truck transport - sale of coal, fertilizers, fuels and lubricants - waste disposal - we provide sales of…