Miroslav Odehnal
Práce autojeřáby, autodoprava nákladní, silniční. Nabídka prací s autojeřábem, zemních prací traktorbagrem Cat 442D, či prací smykem s řízeným nakladačem Cat
Práce autojeřáby, autodoprava nákladní, silniční. Nabídka prací s autojeřábem, zemních prací traktorbagrem Cat 442D, či prací smykem s řízeným nakladačem Cat
Prodej: -stavebniny. Zásobování staveb. Autodoprava: -LIAZ s hydraulickou rukou.
Stavebniny-maloobchod, velkoobchod, betonárka, čerpací stanice, autodoprava Stavební materiál: -B+BC -Best -Cemix -Den Braven -H+H porobetonové tvárnice -EKO KOMINY -KB Blok -Hasit -Montkov -Onduline -Rigips -Terranova -Teraso -Thermopor Zajištění dotací Zelená úspora Zednické práce Zateplovací systémy Dodávka staveb na klíč Opravy a rekonstrukce staveb Projekce,…
Dodávka a montáž keramických obkladů a dlažeb -sádrokartonářské práce -zateplování budov -rekonstrukce bytových jader. Doprava: -vozy Iveco s hydraulickou rukou -sklápěčka -kontejnery.
Transport: - forwarding activity - international - national - aviation - maritime - truck - collection service - heavy transport.
Služby: -celní deklarace -logistika -spedice, vytěžování -zásilková služba, zasílání. Doprava, autodoprava: -nákladní -přeprava balíků.
Branch. Road transport, logistics - international, domestic: - freight - aviation - shipping - transportation of parcels - customs services..
International forwarding and logistics. Pan-European freight transport. Domestic shipment of unit loads. Air shipments. Sea shipments.
International forwarding and logistics. Pan - European freight transport. National shipment of piece cargo. ADR freight transport. Air shipments, groupage. Sea shipments.
Transport, services: - piece shipments, - pallet shipments, - aviation, - maritime, - storage, - logistics outsourcing, - customs agency, - logistics.
Transport and logistics company: - transportation of piece and pallet shipments - air and sea transport -storage -outsourcing of logistics -customs representation.
Forwarding, transport, logistics: - piece and collective consignments - air and sea shipments - customs services - complex logistics projects.
Doprava: -automobilová a autobusová -vnitro i mezistátní.
Projects and project activity. Implementation of turnkey constructions. Metalworking. Road transport. Scaffold rental and scaffolding work. Formwork and concrete work. Facades, insulation.
Building materials. Our services: - retail, wholesale building materials - construction project activity - construction crafts - supply and installation of roofing, insulation - service and repair of cars and trucks, buses, trailers and semi-trailers - car electrical service - tire service - concrete production, concrete products. - forwarding, international truck transport. …
Kamionová doprava: -vnitrostátní -mezinárodní.
Construction work: -construction, reconstruction of roads and bridges -utilities -water management structures -speech. Gravel mining. Production of concrete mixtures. Road transport, construction mechanization.
Our company deals with the construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, bridges, roundabouts, playgrounds and bike paths. We also manufacture bituminous and concrete mixtures. We also offer road transport for the transport of goods, especially excessive and recycling of building materials.
Nabídka vnitrostátního zasilatelství, zprostředkovatelské činnosti v oblasti dopravy.
Autodoprava: -doprava nákladní.
Transport: -international and domestic truck -forwarding and shipping. Services: -commercial -mediation.
Work: -reconstruction of buildings - turnkey buildings - carpentry work - earthworks with a mini excavator PL** JOB* -cutting asphalt and concrete - adding containers - debris removal.
Services: -turnkey construction deliveries - civil and housing construction - reconstruction and repairs -repairs of facades - construction carpentry work - placing the container and taking the debris to the landfill -working with a UNC 061 machine