František Paukner - D.Trans
Mezinárodní doprava, spedice vozidly DAF, IVECO do zemí Německo, Benelux (Belgie, Luxembursko, Holandsko), Slovensko, Maďarsko.
Mezinárodní doprava, spedice vozidly DAF, IVECO do zemí Německo, Benelux (Belgie, Luxembursko, Holandsko), Slovensko, Maďarsko.
Služby: - vnitrostátní zasílatelství - skladovací plochy - skladování, logistika - kompletní logistické služby - jednání dle kodexu zasilatele - individuální přístup
Transportní logistika, přeprava, distribuce, mezinárodní doprava.
Nabízíme přepravu nákladů po České republice i Evropské unii. Pronajímáme vozidla.
We are a transport forwarding company dealing with domestic and international transport.
Projects and logistic solutions in international transport Heavy and oversized transport Container logistics and collection service Line and charter sea transportation
Air, sea and land transport. Comprehensive turnkey logistics solutions.
Domestic and international truck transport over 3.5t Preparatory work for construction Earthwork
-mezinárodní kamionová doprava -tuzemská nákladní doprava -celní služby -logistika
Transport company. Truck transport within the EU and the Czech Republic.
-locksmithery - truck transport - repair and maintenance of trucks and cars
Nabízíme vnitrostátní i mezinárodní dopravní a spediční služby a to po celé České republice a zemích Evropské unie.
Domestic and international transport of bulk materials, pallet goods and domestic transport of liquid fertilizers.
Vnitrostátní a mezinárodní nákladní doprava.. - spediční služby - stěhování - přeprava osob - kusové zásilky - celní deklarace.
Activity: - transportation of parcels - transportation of bulky shipments - transportation of motor vehicles.
- plumbing - heating industry - masonry - buildings - building changes - removal of buildings - domestic freight transport - international freight transport
Autodoprava, přeprava, doprava: -mezinárodní (zahraniční) kamionová (15 vozů) -vnitrostátní (tuzemská) -spedice, spediční -zasilatelství. Opakovaná exekuce 2014.
BD Express, s.r.o. is a transport company, we deal with domestic and foreign transport, forwarding. Transport, trucking, transport: - domestic, domestic and transport - foreign, international truck transport - transport of dangerous goods ADR - forwarding, forwarding activity - storage.
The company UNION TRANZIT s.r.o. offers professional and quality services in the field of international road transport and forwarding activities throughout the EU, especially Germany, Austria, Italy, but also France, England, Denmark, the Netherlands, ... It focuses on cooperation with both end clients and transport and forwarding companies.
We offer services in the field of domestic and international car transport, removals, real estate clearance, ecological disposal, car cleaning, upholstery and carpets. You can use our services throughout the Czech Republic, but we operate mostly in the cities of Most, Žatec, Chomutov, Louny, Kadaň, Litvínov, Teplice. Do not hesitate and use our quality services, which we implement to the…
We provide transportation of goods with our vehicles, including refrigerated trucks throughout the Czech Republic, Slovakia and throughout Europe. We provide regular delivery and transportation of refrigerated and frozen goods. Transport capacity: - 0-120 cubic meters - 0 - 24 tons. All refrigerated trucks that we use for transport comply with the relevant EU standards and hygiene…
Autodroprava Vrábek: - domestic and international transport up to 3.5t - extraction of vehicles up to 7.5t - vehicle rental.
International and domestic truck transport.
Road transport up to 3.5 t - foreign, international throughout the EU. Services: - express international transport, express transport - bulk transportation - forwarding, forwarding activity - extraction of trucks. Vehicle fleet: - tractor with trailer 80-100 cbm - a set of 120 cbm - express van up to 1.2t. Cooperation with regular carriers.