Foreign freight transport

International shipping can be realized by road using trucks, but also rail, air or ships. All types of transports offers transportation of bulk, liquid and solid substances, containers, pallets and hazardous substances.

CROWS, spol. s r.o.

International (foreign) and domestic (domestic) forwarding activities: -container transport and transportation of piece shipments, piece shipment -security of the container -loading -ensuring the transport of containers Car repair, car service. International trucking: -piece shipments by AVIA, IVECO and VW cars. Consulting activity: -bookkeeping -simple and double -in Money S3

TREBOSS s.r.o.

Production: -leather manufacture -shoes for army. Raw material trade: -raw hides, WET BLUE (semi-finished product) -purchase from slaughter-house and meat-packing plants. Foreign markets (export, import): -Italy, Germany.

Jemnická Stavba, a.s.

Our company Jemnická Stavba, a.s. deals with the preparation and implementation of investments in the field of building construction and thermal energy and business activities in the field of sales of building materials. Work: -construction - turnkey constructions -installation, plumbing: -water (plumbing) -heating, heating -gas (gas plumbing) -NN electrical installation (low voltage) …

EKON, družstvo

Buildings: - construction work - construction project - investment engineering activity - civil and residential -engineering including technical amenities of housing estates -industrially - traffic. Road transport. Mediation activity: -trade - services. Printing production: -screen printing -rubber print -chemography -stereotypes - galvanoplasty -offset…

Prekop Jindřich

Zemědělská činnost: -rostlinná výroba -živočišná výroba. Autodoprava: -nákladní doprava vnitrostátní. Výroba, autoopravna, servis: -zemědělské stroje -lesnické stroje.

AGROSERVIS, 1. zemědělská a.s. Višňové

Zemědělská výroba. Rostlinná výroba: -pšenice, ječmen, kukuřice na zrno, cukrovka, hrách, sója. Živočišná výroba: -chov -jatečná prasata. Vinice: -vinná réva. Výroba, prodej, služby: -kompletní a doplňkové krmné směsi (pro prasata) -medikace -granulace -extruze -pytlované krmné směsi -poradenství-výživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat. Obchodní činnost: -prodej-minerální…


Cleaning service, industrial cleaning, households, establishments, companies, industrial cleaning services, one-time, general, building cleaning -washing windows, machine washing floors, removing stickers -regular and extraordinary interior spaces -washing windows, including frames -machine carpet cleaning -washing lights, radiators, vertical, horizontal blinds -machine washing,…