Spices and flavourings

Season finds application not only in the world of gastronomy. Medicinal or aromatic herbs, among which you must not miss basil, chamomile, chives and more, artificial and natural flavor enhancers and mixtures, such as sauces and broths, and many other products used every day.

AROCO, spol.s.r.o.

Production: -Food flavours and dyestuffs for producers of foods: -for soft drink, alcohol, savory, confectionery, bakery, meat and dairy industries -Blends of spices -Artificial and natural dyestuffs -Flavoured bases for bakery, canning industries -Plant extracts and tinctures. Service: -Making of flavours by demands of customer -Accredited testing laboratory for food additives. …

Orkla Foods Česko a Slovensko a.s.

We manufacture and sell products for easy and fast food preparation. Our products: - bouillons - instant soups and porridge - basics of meals - spices (including liquid) - ready meals - barbecue (liquid marinade) - sauces - flavorings - baking - Side dishes - Jess - fish. At present, the company Vitana operates production activities in locations in the Czech Republic…


Firmy zabývající se dovozem značkových alkoholických a nealkoholických nápojů a specialit. ALKOHOLICKé A NEALKOHOLICKé NáPOJE: -Vína - Whisky - Aperitivy - Likéry - Vinné destiláty - Bílé destiláty - Rumy. Přísady do nápojů: - Minerální vody - Sycené nealkoholické nápoje - Ovocné a zeleninové šťávy. ČAJE, INSTANTNí NáPOJE A CUKROVINKY - Čaje sáčkové -…

SINGA spol.s r.o.

SINGA spol.s r.o. Development activity - construction and sale of family terraced houses in Prague Zelenč. Food import and distribution: -sauces and seasonings - we supply spicy and sweet chili sauces, soy sauces, marinating, oyster, seafood, fish, steak, barbecue sauces to our market under the brands Kimball, Cheong Chan, Thai Pride, Búfalo.

Nestlé Česko s.r.o.

Production: - chocolates: -ORION, STUDENT SEAL, DELI, DELISA and others - candies, confectionery: -LENTILKY, BONPARI, HAŠLERKY, JOJO and others -culinary products: - MAGGI - classic soups in a bag, instant soups, instant meals, broths, pasta delicacies, sauces, fixings, juices, mayonnaise, pasta, toppings and herb cubes -drinks: -NESCAFÉ coffee (www.nescafe.com) -mixture of…

Fimex, spol. s r.o. v jazyce českém, Fimex, GmbH v jazyce německém

The FIMEX company was founded in 1994 in Prague and is one of the important business partners of the Czech food industry in the field of processing: - more - poultry - fish - milk - cheeses - vegetables - canned - animal feed. We are the exclusive supplier of food machines from leading German, Austrian, Italian and other European manufacturers. Warehouse Prague Dobronická 1257 148…

Johann Kotányi spol. s r.o.

Johann Kotányi is an Austrian family company producing 150 types of spices, spice mixtures and herbs. Product range: - Vegetable APPETITE Mix - spices - herbs - freeze-dried herbs - A mix of mixes - Marinades - Salad mix - sweet baking - hot drinks - grinders - GRILL special - Asia turn - dried mushrooms - EXPRESS basics - EXPRESS packaging - Ethno cuisine -…

Kontinua, spol. s r.o.

KONTINUA je moderní, dynamicky se rozví­jející potravinářská společnost, která se zabývá výrobou a prodejem pekař­ských vý­robků a zlepšujících potravinářských přípravků a směsí pro pekaře a cukráře. Novou podnikatelskou aktivitou je distribuce zmrazeného pečiva, které je určeno k snadnému a rychlému dopečení a prodeji v čerstvém stavu.

První jílovská a.s., divize EXAR

The EXAR division has been producing distillates and extracts from aromatic and medicinal plants for several decades. At present, our offer includes more than 150 species of medicinal and aromatic plants. These are extracts for the cosmetic or food industry and food supplements. Our products include herbal balms, massage emulsions, distillates, aromas, essential oils and extracts from medicinal…