Fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables is the main component of healthy eating. Stone fruit, citrus, forest, or exotic fruit, but also root, tuber, fruiting and leafy vegetables, and legumes from local growers and international suppliers must not miss in any diet.

Zdeněk Dvorský

Potraviny Dvorský. Řeznictví a uzenářství. Maloobchod, prodej: - potraviny - maso, uzeniny - masné a uzenářské výrobky - pečivo - trvanlivé potraviny - mražené zboží - cukrovinky - ovoce, zelenina - nápoje - tabákové výrobky - smíšené zboží - drogerie.

Beskyd Fryčovice, a.s.

Processing, production, wholesale: - ware and seed potatoes - semi-finished potatoes - dumplings - fresh chilled vegetables - leafy vegetables and mixtures of fresh vegetables without dressing - semi-finished products, attachments - chilled vegetable salads with dressing - fresh herbs - vegetable juices REFIT