Kaufland Česká republika v.o.s
Supermarket. Retail, sale: -foodstuffs -vegetables -drugstore -industrial goods -laundry.
Supermarket. Retail, sale: -foodstuffs -vegetables -drugstore -industrial goods -laundry.
Supermarket Kaufland. Retail, sale: -foodstuffs: -meat, sausages, fruits, vegetables -alcoholic, non-alcoholic beverages -industrial goods, household goods -glass, porcelain -stationery -consumer electronics.
Supermarket, sale: -foodstuffs -drugstore -vegetables -laundry -electric -Household Goods.
Import, import: -preserved vegetables -fruit compotes -Jams.
A cider house in operation September - October - Monday 5 - 6 p.m - another date can be agreed upon, depending on the amount of fruit Price: CZK 3 for 1 liter of pressed juice for members and CZK 4 for others We do not wash the fruit, the customer must deliver washed. The cider house disposes of the waste. We make cider in the brought containers.
Maloobchod, prodej: -potraviny.
Fuels - Přibylová tel: 606 648 758 Sale of fuels from covered landfill: - dry coal brown, black, coke - coal briquettes, wood-loose and packaged - firewood soft, hard, dry, loose and packaged, wood chips for kindling - propane-butane bombs 2, 10, 33kg. We will deliver coal and other fuels to your destination. We have reduced the price for transport and for those who are closest to…
Fuels Sale from covered landfill: - dry coal brown, black, coke, -coal briquettes, loose and packed wood - transport to the place -cleaning with a hydraulic belt -soft, hard, dried firewood, loose and packed, chips for kindling. Sale: -propane-butane bombs 2, 10, 33kg. Drivers Mr. Křídlo 606646299 Mr. Fichtner 724173490 Transport, road transport: -national and…
Maloobchod, prodej: -potraviny.
Our company is mainly engaged in wholesale purchase, import and sale of fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts. We import fruit and vegetables from European countries, we also buy goods on the domestic market from large and small growers and cooperate with other wholesalers in the field. The central storage and logistics center, including banana pressure ripening plants in Štoky…
Sales, retail: -fruit -vegetables. Sales hours: Monday 7:30 - 17:00 Tuesday 7:30 - 17:00 Wednesday 7:30 - 17:00 Thursday 7:30 - 17:00 Friday 7:30 - 17:00 Saturday 8:00 - 11:00 Closed on Sundays.
Retail, sale: -fruit vegetables.
Owner of a retail chain of fruit, vegetable and grocery stores. Salable: HAVLÍČKŮV BROD, Dolní 146 HLINSKO, Adamkova 189 HUMPOLEC, Rasinova 187 JIHLAVA, Erbenova 43 JIHLAVA, Husova 24 PLANÁ NAD LUŽNICÍ, ČSLA 36 TÁBOR, Husovo náměstí 568 ŽDÍREC NAD DOUBRAVOU, Žďárská 147
Retail, sale: -fruit -vegetables. Sales time: Sales hours Monday 7:30 - 17:30 Tuesday 7:30 - 17:30 Wednesday 7:30 - 17:30 Thursday 7:30 - 17:30 Friday 7:30 - 17:30 Closed on Saturdays Closed on Sundays
Pěstování zeleniny. Maloobchod s ovocem, zeleninou, bramborami a výrobky z nich. Rostlinná výroba kombinovaná se živočišnou výrobou (smíšené hospodářství).
Služby: - nákladní autodoprava (vnitrostátní, mezinárodní) - přeprava ADR Velkoobchod: - ovoce - zelenina - substráty, rašelina, mulčovací kůra
Import a velkoobchod s ovocem a zeleninou. Rozvoz a dodávky ovoce a zeleniny pro obchody, školní jídelny, veřejné stravování, restaurace, penziony, hotely a jiné velkoodběratele.
Retail trade: -grocery -hard goods, chemist's -building materials -discount stores. Wholesale: -grocery, fruit, vegetables, dairy -hard goods, convenience goods and others -complete range. Chairman - Mr Holicky, tel.: +420-469311552. Vice-chairman - Mrs Iva Bucanova, tel.: +420-469326248. Asset accounting department, tel.: +420-469311522. General accountancy department, tel.: +420…
Maloobchod: - potraviny.
Prodej: - potraviny.
Wholesale of dry fruits: - quality dried fruit - dry fruits - seeds - candied fruit and nuts.
We exclusively deal with: - by importing fresh fruit and vegetables - for retail chains as well as for traditional wholesalers. The goal and philosophy is the best possible service - quality and price for customers and the widest possible range of products and types of packaging.
Zahradnické práce: -sadové, zahradnické práce -návrhy zahrad, projekt, realizace -zahradní architektura -pokládání travních koberců -zakládáni, údržba travnatých ploch -obnova trávniků, chemické ošetření -rekultivace ploch - ozelenění, výsadba vzrostlých stromů -střihání živých plotů - práce vyžínačem -práce motorovou pilou - řez, ošetření stromů -kácení…