
Arrange accident insurance, pension insurance, sickness insurance, accident insurance, elementary insurance, liability insurance, insurance against theft or damage liability. Insurance you will ensure a quieter life with no worries.

Briston Corporation, s.r.o.

The offer includes: Company guarantee up to CZK 25,000,000 throughout Europe Insurance for employees for damages caused by the employer connected with the performance of the profession up to CZK 100,000 Ensuring the security of objects, property and people The services of private detectives to monitor the internal affairs of the company, for the reasons of preventing the theft of the company…

Insia BM s.r.o.

Broker at the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic and complies with the provisions of the Insurance Act No. 363/99 Coll. as amended by later provisions. Services: -comprehensive service for natural and legal persons in the area insurance and financial consulting - mortgages, leasing, guarantees. Cooperation with the largest insurance institutions in the Czech Republic. Insurance for…

Triglav pojišťovna, a.s.

Insurance of companies, enterpreneurs, institutions and citizens. Insurance company: - enterpreneur insurance, insurance of industrial plants and institutions: - insurance against natural hazards - theft insurance - insurance of electronics - insurance of machines and manufacturing equipment - glassware insurance - insurance for case of running of company interruption or…

Triglav pojišťovna, a.s.

Insurance of companies, entrepreneurs, institutions and citizens. Insurance company: -business and industrial insurance enterprises and institutions: -elemental - in case of theft, theft - electronics - machines and technologies -glass insurance - in case of interruption or limitation operation of the company - construction and assembly, including mutual …

Generali Pojišťovna a.s.

Insurance company. Insurance of persons: -life insurance, study and wedding insurance, insurance for a lump sum, accident insurance -insurance of daily benefits during hospitalization and disablement/disability insurance -travel insurance/voyage policy. Property insurance: -Household and Property insurance, Housing, Weekend -agriculture risks insurance. Motor/Automobile insurance. …