Bankruptcies, auctions and distraints

The subject of the foreclosures are movable and immovable things. These are then subsequently shown on auctions or various auditions. Cars, houses, electronics or furniture. With the resolution of execution issues you can help enforcement authorities or different independent businesses.

Exekutorský úřad Náchod - Souček Kamil, JUDr., soudní exekutor

Bailiff's office Náchod, bailiff JUDr. Kamil Souček ensures executions. Bailiff's office, bailiff's activity: - debt collection - auctions of movable property - real estate auctions - judicial execution. We are a smaller executor's office, where we can guarantee a truly individual approach to each enforcement procedure. Bailiff JUDr. Kamil Souček builds on his experience with the…

Profikomplex, a.s.

Financial and economic consulting - consultancy in crisis management Organizational consulting Bookkeeping - leadership - consultancy Comprehensive services for insolvency administrators and liquidators Public auctions Appreciation - property for movable things Archiving - documents