Pavel Kvita Ing.
Valuation of companies, M&A, advice on acquisitions, transformation of business companies, tax advice
Valuation of companies, M&A, advice on acquisitions, transformation of business companies, tax advice
Services: - accounting processing. -processing of tax records.
Accounting of housing cooperatives and associations of owners of housing units
Vedení - účetnictví
Services: -bookkeeping. - keeping tax records.
Daňové poradenství - zpracování daní Ekonomické poradenství Účetnictví - účetní poradenství
Vedení: - daně - účetnictví - daňové evidence - mzdy Provádíme: - zednické, betonářské a obkladačské práce - rekonstrukce rodinných domů a koupelen - pokládku průmyslových podlah.
Superior customer care Quality advertising throughout the Czech Republic Legal advice Expert opinions Mortgage services Preparation of the tax return Payment of foreclosures Real estate management Tax consultancy - other services according to the needs and tailor-made for each client
Services: -bookkeeping. - keeping tax records -financial advice.
Knowledge: -bookkeeping. -tax records.
Services: -bookkeeping.
Činnost účetních poradců, vedení účetnictví, vedení daňové evidence -Zprostředkování obchodu v oblasti nákupu a prodeje zboží a služeb
-Production of textiles, textile products, clothing and clothing accessories - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of an organizational and economic nature Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax…
-Zprostředkování obchodu a služeb -Velkoobchod a maloobchod -Poradenská a konzultační činnost, zpracování odborných studií a posudků -Provozování cestovní agentury a průvodcovská činnost v oblasti cestovního ruchu Činnost účetních poradců, vedení účetnictví, vedení daňové evidence Hostinská činnost
Services: - sorting, filing, storage and care of documents and shredding - inventory, valuation and organization of auctions and sales movable and immovable property - keeping tax records.
Services - bookkeeping - payroll processing - tax records.
Services: - bookkeeping, tax records - human resources, wages - accounting, tax consulting.
Activity: - tax advice - accounting advice - audit services.