Accounting, tax and audit services

Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Ing. Jana Geletová

Účetnictví: -jednoduché, podvojné-vedení. Zpracování: -mzdy -účetní normy a jejich zavedení v organizaci. Daňová a účetní podpora: -při vedení účetnictví a mezd vlastními pracovníky klienta. Metodická pomoc-zavádění účetnictví, inventury. Daňové poradenství, daňový poradce. Sestavování-daňová přiznání: -k dani z příjmu právnických a fyzických osob -k DPH -k…


The company ABC.ENTERPRISE, a.s. based in Prague for almost 20 years, has experience in the field of providing business and economic consulting for companies on the Czech market. Since 1995, we have also been providing services focused on complex accounting outsourcing for small, medium and larger business entities, to which we also offer a wide range of professional services. We also deal…

AnaMoKa s.r.o.

Accounting services. Bookkeeping, payroll, tax returns of all types. Advice: - economic - organizational. Photo services, photo and video services. Shooting weddings and family celebrations. Headquarters: - Bezručova 194/34, Český Těšín.

TPA Audit s.r.o.

Audit. Tax, accounting and economic consulting. International tax planning. Transfer prices. Business consulting. Accounting and tax education. Due diligence. Valuation and expertise. Accounting and payroll management. IFRS consultancy. Financial reporting. Headquarters: Antala Staška 2027/79, 140 00 Prague 4