Accounting, tax and audit services

Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

KICK OFF Consulting s.r.o.

Services. Bookkeeping: - establishment of limited liability companies with registration in the commercial register - management of single and double-entry bookkeeping and payroll for Czech companies, for Austrian companies and small entrepreneurs in cooperation with Austrian tax advisors in Czech and German analysis -economic analyzes in Czech and German - preparation of tax returns for…

Genext a.s.

Construction company. Work: - buildings: - housing, civil - industrial, agricultural - reconstruction, modernization - construction-family houses, houses - facade modifications - warming up - project activity, engineering construction. Assembly, repair, service, maintenance: - electrical dedicated equipment. Services: - bookkeeping.

BEDNÁŘ Consulting, s.r.o.

Provided services : - audit of financial statements - tax advice - processing of tax returns - processing of tax returns with a delay until 30.6. - representation before the Tax Office - accounting advice - methodical management of an employee of accounting offices of regular clients - e-counseling - online counseling on mobile phone and e-mail - regular sending of extensive…

AD auditoři a daňoví poradci, a.s.

Services: - all types of audit work - tax advice - comprehensive economic services for entrepreneurs and the non-profit sector - preparation of the tax return, including representation of the client before the administrator - bookkeeping - simple, double - economic and financial analysis, proposals for alternative solutions - economic documents for business plans and bank loans,…

Jiří Krawciw

Účetní firma. V současnosti pro naše klienty zpracováváme: - daňovou evidenci (dříve jednoduché účetnictví) - účetnictví (dříve podvojné účetnictví) - vedení mzdové agendy - přiznání k dani: z příjmů právnických osob, z příjmů fyzických osob silniční ze závislé činnosti z přidané hodnoty - přehledy pro sociální správu a zdravotní pojišťovny - zajišťujeme…

Kubelka Miloš Ing.

Daňový poradce. Daňové poradenství: -daňové poradenství pro podnikatele i neziskové organizace -zpracování daňových přiznání -zastupování před Finančním Úřadem -účetní a ekonomické poradenství -zajištění odkladu daňového přiznání pro daň z příjmu a platbu daně -zajištění auditu.

Suldovský a partneři, a.s.

Accounting, payroll and taxes conveniently and discreetly. The values that we bring to our customers with payroll, tax and accounting services are high expertise, cost savings and the convenience of cooperation. The main areas of our accounting service are: -accounting processes -ERP integration -reports and analyzes -accounting -comprehensive accounting outsourcing -setting up basic…