Accounting, tax and audit services

Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

Vlasta Vaňková - daňová evidence

Ms. Vlasta Vaňková provides her clients with comprehensive accounting and economic services. Our activities include bookkeeping and processing, tax records, processing tax returns and payroll. The office is located at Palackého 1354, Rychnov nad Kněžnou. Services: - bookkeeping and processing - tax records - processing of tax returns - payroll - economic consultancy - processing of fixed…

EKON-SYS s.r.o.

activity: - performing an analysis of companies' information needs - implementation of information systems - training of users - provision of service services associated with the operation of established information systems - low-current electrical installations - camera systems - electronic security systems EZS The key program of the company is the implementation of information…

Jan Vágner - Vedení účetnictví online

Accounting and tax records, including payroll processing and tax returns for small and medium-sized companies that are natural or legal persons. We will make the accounting system available to you via the Internet as part of the service. - You can access accounting from anywhere with the Internet - You don't have to buy accounting software - The system can be used by multiple users from…

FINCH a.s.

Activity: - economic and organizational consulting. Business activity, mediation of services. Accommodation - accommodation and hotel services. Real estate agency. Intermediation of services in the field of construction and agriculture. Purchase, sale and storage of fuels and lubricants, including their import. Operation of gas stations with fuels and lubricants. Rental, rental-motor…

Sinveko a.s.

Práce: -stavební projekce -stavby: -inženýrská činnost, stavební dozor -komplexní práce, včetně změn na stavbě a jejich odstraňování -účetní a ekonomické poradenství, vedení účetnictví -obchodní činnost. Pobočka Pardubice: Jiráskova 1286, Pardubice tel.: 466614741

CONING s.r.o.

Architektonické a inženýrské činnosti (včetně projektování). Poskytování architektonických a inženýrských služeb. Inženýrské služby ve stavebnictví. Činnost organizačních a ekonomických poradců. Projektová činnost ve výstavbě. Realitní kancelář. Služby v oblasti administrativní správy a služby organizačně hospodářské povahy u fyzických a právnických osob. Reklamní činnost a marketing. …