Metal equipment

Metal equipment includes many different types of products. From the office, and wardrobe equipment, via semi-finished products such as round bars or thin-walled profiles, until after the superstructure for vehicles or rack systems for warehouses. The selection in this industry is indeed rich.


Full services in the field of heat sources. Production, sale, supply of boilers NOX and Slatina, medium-pressure steam, low-pressure steam - hot-water and warm-water/hydrothermal: -ecological brown coal boilers 300-3000 kW -ecological wood waste and biomass-burning boilers 300-3000 kW -solids separators -spare parts for coal boilers SLATINA. Repair, service: -power equipment: -boilers …

AIR-LIA, s.r.o.

Obchodní, zprostředkovatelská činnost: -letecký výcvik na ULLA, klasické letouny -kondiční létání na ULLA, klasické letouny. Dodávky speciálních letních a zimních kombinéz firmy DANTEX pro piloty, letecké mechaniky. Výroba: -strojní: -díly, náhradní díly, obrábění dílů, ocelové konstrukce -stavební-bytové, občanské stavby: -dodávky dílů na stavby (dřevo-truhlářské výrobky). …

JASS, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: - metallurgical material -steel beams I, IPE, U, UPE, HEA, HEB - flat steel - isosceles, non-isosceles angles - circular steel - concrete steel - steel wide -hot-rolled sheets (thickness 3mm-30mm) - galvanized trapezoidal sheets -welded KARI nets (according to DIN 488). Services: - the profiles and sheets we stock and offer are mainly in grades…

SIK METAL s.r.o.

Production, sale, assembly: - pressure and non-pressure tanks/vessels ITI up to 60 bar, dyeing and milling machines, equipment for ecology - stainless steel equipment for textile, chemical, food, brewing and pharmaceutical industries - fittings, pipe manifolds - heat exchangers - heating, cooling tube bundles for boilers and tanks - stirrers - circulating and pressure…

TEZAB, spol. s r.o. - provozovna

Comprehensive services by our own employees in the field of supply and engineering industrial, engineering and civil buildings. Technology: - including boiler rooms and exchange stations MaR (measurement and regulation) - heat supply, air and gas distribution - pre-insulated ductless pipeline -for measuring the flow rates of all technical media. Medical technology (sanitary,…

Jiří Krmela

Zajištění projektu, výroba, dodávky, montáž: -ocelové konstrukce včetně obvodových a střešních plášťů jak nezateplených, tak i zateplených (sendviče, fasádní systémy). Svářečské práce provádíme vlastními pracovníky s úřední svářečskou zkouškou.

S. F. Tůma, s.r.o.

Stavební činnost: -stavba supermarketů, distribučních skladů na klíč -montáž halové ocelové konstrukce, pláště, podhledy, sádrokartony, -tesařské a pokrývačské práce -pozemní stavby -montáž ocelových konstrukcí.

Libor Michna

Production of cabins for: -bridge, gantry, harbor cranes, truck cranes and heavy machinery - fairings for construction machinery. Production: - light steel construction. Security repair, service: -production cabins and fairings.

AVEKO, s.r.o.

Výroba, kompletace, aplikace: -komponenty pro průmyslovou automatizaci: -synchronní servomotory -planetové převodovky -průmyslové regulační pohony -planetové převodovky s různými typy elektrických servomotorů -průmyslové regulační pohony TG Drives -technologie v oblasti kompozitních materiálů pro průmyslové využití a pro letectví: -přesné kovoobrábění CNC…

KOVEL CZ. spol. s r.o.

Výhradní dodavatel výrobků firmy KOVEL SK. Distribuce, prodej: -přípojkové a rozpojovací skříně pozinkované s možností poplastování povrchu Komaxitem -ocelové konstrukce pro NN a VN -veškerý sortiment kovových výrobků pro elektrická vedení až po kompletní vybavení trafostanice -ocelové osvětlovací stožáry -ocelové příhradové stožáry do 35kV -bezpečnostní schrány…


The company holds the ISO 9001:2001 quality certificate. Design and construction work, engineering, production, delivery: -technological parts for the energy, petrochemical, engineering and construction industries: - air ducts - flue pipes - regulating flaps of various designs - parts for grinding and conveyor equipment -steel construction of conveyors -noise dampers …

MEICO system's s.r.o.

The company was founded by Ing. Jiri Meissner in 1993 as a purely Czech company with no investments from abroad. From the very beginning, the company’s main sphere of activity was—besides solving general problems in IT—particularly original and applied solutions in the field of communication and data transmission. From the very beginning of the introduction of the GSM network technology, the…

ČECHMONT s. r. o.

The company is engaged in: - engineering production - the production of engineering components technological units - production of welds and steel structures according to individual requirements customer requirements. Production possibilities: - production of welds with dimensions of individual parts up to 5,000 x 5,000 x 15,000 mm - machining these welds - execution of surface…

Josef Šebek

Production is controlled by standard ISO 9001:2000. METAL-PRODUCTION: -metal work, laser cutting: -steel, aluminium and stainless steel sheets -punching, bending (bossing): -sheet iron, sheet aluminium -plate welding -light-weight construction: -bended sheet metal profiles, sheet metal, stainless steel, steel, aluminium, galvanized iron -metal cases, furniture -rack systems. …

KOVOARTIKL CZ, s.r.o. - Kovový nábytek

The company is holder of the Certificate ISO 9001:2001 (certification). Metal, workshop, school and office furniture. Wholesale, retail trade, sale, execution, design, installation, mounting, transport, atypical production: -metal workshop boxes and cases: -wardrobes, coat cabinets, dressing booths, boxes, drawing filing cabinets, chest of drawers, cupboards, roll cabs, with central doors …

GOZ METAL s.r.o.

Design, production, installation, service, repairs, wholesale, retail trade, sale: -catering facilities - large capacity kitchens for hotels, canteens, cafeterias, restaurants, night clubs, hospitals, for preparation, processing, cutting, warming, serving, cooling -stainless work-tables/ desks, racks, shelves, washing tables, sinks, bases/ stands, blocks, waste bins -stainless heated food…

AZT, spol. s r.o.

Full equipment of workplaces for electronics service and production: -antistatic work-tables GBP -working furniture, chairs -soldering systems -soldering equipment JBC, Metcal, Weller, Pace -soldering irons, soldering apparatuses -consumable supplies for soldering -tools for electronics, pliers, tweezers Piergiacommi -dispensers -antistatic working clothes and shoes …

DIRP, s.r.o.

The company is certified according to ISO 9001, 14001. Design, production, sale, assembly. Rack systems: -shelf racks (VARIANT-FL, LK, FZ, ZN) -roller shelVes (FLEXITEK) -rack wagons, mobile racks, compact racks -library bookshelves -frame racks -cantilever racks -shop shelves (universal storage boxes) -pallet racks, stationary shelves. Storeyed warehouses: -shelf racks, floor…

RS evostyl s.r.o.

Our company is engaged in locksmithing and metal production and we provide our customers with comprehensive services including project design and subsequent production and assembly. We mainly produce staircases and railings of stainless steel, aluminum and steel, but also other materials, stainless and steel awnings and canopies, street furniture, doors and portals, gates, fences. We make…