Tool-room work

Tool services include turning, cutting, milling, measuring, sharpening, and other operations. Part of the services is also the production tools needed in the manufacturing and production industry, such as measuring equipment, cutting tools, drilling machines and bending tools.

PD TOOL, spol. s r.o.

Automation of technological processes: - technological lines. Projection, design, delivery, service, consulting: -measurement and regulation systems: - heat sources, including the control room - air conditioning (air conditioning) - wastewater treatment plant -heat sources: -boiler plants, exchange stations: -use of waste heat, bakery Production: -LV switchboards /low…

LAURUS, s.r.o.

Práce: -strojírenství - strojírenská výroba -kovovýroba -třískové obrábění kovů -nástrojářství -tváření kovů: -lisování, válcování -zakázková výroba součástek, náhradní díly strojů. - CNC frézování - broušení na BPV80

SLÉVÁRNA ANAH Prostějov, s.r.o.

SLEVARNA ANAH Prostejov s.r.o. is a family company from the Czech Republic, member state of the European Union. We are a traditional manufacturer of grey iron castings. The foundry has its own pattern shop and focuses on finish treatment and production of castings, e.g. for engineering, automotive and building industries. We operate not only in Prostejov, but also in the whole Czech Republic,…

HABA s.r.o.

Our company Haba s.r.o. operates on the steel and aluminum market. We provide you with preparatory works, so that you can show your qualities as a highly qualified supplier in general machine industry, manufacture of devices, special devices, preparatory products, tools and shaped parts. Do not hesitate to use our expertise and professional skills. The HABA s.r.o. products can be used…


Service - Transport - Technik a.s. in Napajedlí it deals with the production of jigs and tools and professional renovation of historic vehicles. Production range - tool shop: -piece and small series production of lathes, milling machines, grinders and coordinate boring machines -drilling, milling, turning, inspection, assembly, assembly and welding jigs.


Activity, services: -foreign trade: -mediation of deliveries of engineering products - steel constructions - precision tool products -milled and turned parts -padding. - development of projects for drawing subsidies from the EU fund - engineering activity in investment construction. Production, assembly, project, assembly, delivery, assembly: -wooden sandwich buildings for…


Production: -forms for injection, molding, extrusion and vulcanization machinery -shoe and technical forms -casting models. Mold production: - machining on CNC machines - casting from aluminum alloy on the model and hardening of the casting - electroerosive machining - excavation. Processing of modeling materials. Digitization in 3D. Work: -surface treatment of metals …

Martin Gajdošík

Zámečnictví, nástrojářství -Broušení technického a šperkového kamene -Výroba kovových konstrukcí a kovodělných výrobků -Přípravné a dokončovací stavební práce, specializované stavební činnosti