
Stamping is the basis for the mechanical technology, such as die forging, cold forming and for heat and many more important operation with the materials. Therefore, use the services of companies working with light and heavy presses with the use of metallic and non-metallic materials.

SPORT Construction a.s.

Construction and realization: - construction and reconstruction of sports grounds and playgrounds for athletics, football, tennis, multipurpose and children's playgrounds (indoor and outdoor artificial and natural outdoor surfaces) - professional design and consulting activities - supplies of sports equipment and fencing - cleaning and regeneration of sports surfaces Locksmithing, metal…

Jaroslav Hrubý

Opravy - nákladní automobily Výroba - mříže Výroba - vrata - nesené a pojezdové brány Výroba - oplocení - schodiště - zábradlí Strojní broušení na kulato Kovoobráběčské práce Strojní stříhání plechů Zámečnictvívýroba - vrata - oplocení - schodiště - zábradlí - mříže Opravy - zemědělská technika