Machining, turning and milling work

Semi-finished products from metallic and non-metallic materials can be machined in a variety of ways. Turning, milling, drilling, slotting, planing, threading, broaching and other operations it is possible to perform the single-purpose, universal, or modern CNC machines.

Cífka, spol. s r.o.

Maloobchod: - železářství - hutní a spojovací materiál - sanitární keramika - ruční elektrické nářadí BOSCH, NAREX, HUSQVARNA, FERM, PROMA, MAKITA, PROTOOL - kotle, topidla - sporáky a bojlery - kompresory, svářečky, pletivo, hadice, roury - zámky, kování - vratová technika Hormann. Prodej na splátky. Naše služby: - výroba klíčů FAB - kovovýroba, zámečnictví,…

KOOK Poddaný - Bohumil Poddaný

Engineering production Bohumil Poddaný is engaged in the production of small belt irrigators intended for irrigation of smaller agricultural areas, sports grounds or forest nurseries. We also offer custom production of machine parts for various industries. We are based in Dřísy, Mělník district. Engineering production, producer:  - Polymat beta 50 small irrigators  - Polymat beta 50…

IBEKOV - Ivo Böhm

The company IBEKOV - Ivo Böhm has been focusing on blacksmith and locksmith production since its inception. We also perform restoration work and are engaged in metalworking. Our products include handles and fittings, fences, gates, railings, grilles and other locksmith products. You can find us in the village of Černuc, district of Kladno. Work, craft: - locksmithing, locksmith -…

Vladislav Pekárek

Locksmithery: -custom and serial metal production -locksmithing, welding, metalworking, cutting, bending, turning, drilling, turning and surface treatment -production and installation of railings, stairs, atypical, system -accessories for interior and exterior.

HC-Construct s.r.o.

Locksmith production, steel structures, stainless steel, abrasive. Custom atypical production, including assembly. Serial production. Building cladding. Material division: -fall scissors up to 10 mm -plasma firing up to 30 mm. Curling-pipes, jacks, strips. Welding work: -in the protective atmosphere of CO2 -electrode -TIG method -oxygen-acetylene flame. Sale: -grinding and…

VKV Horák, s.r.o.

Construction, development work in the field of mechanical engineering, toolmaking and metalworking: CNC machining. Precision machine parts. Production of molds for precision casting, injection or vacuum forming of plastics. Single-purpose machines, jigs, parts of instrument mechanics, prototypes. Design proposals-implementation, preparation, processing of structural 3D modeling of custom…

JM-SERVIS, technika-obchod, s.r.o.

Mechanické zabezpečení objektů a majetku. Výroba, dodávky, montáž a servis: -bezpečnostní zámkové systémy-dveřní bezpečnostní štíty a kování -zámky a závory -zámkové systémy společného a hlavního klíče -okrasné dveřní kování, štítky a jiné dveřní příslušenství. Dveře a vrata bezpečnostní, specielně atestované typy: -odolné proti vloupání -protipožární -neprůstřelné …