Electro- and computers

For complete use of a computer is necessary to invest in compenents, such as a monitor, computer mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, speakers, the necessary mechanics and other accessories,which depends on the user.

Radek Šulc

Zabýváme se slaboproudými technologiemi, zejména zabezpečovací technikou (EZS), která je v dnešní době nedílnou součástí skoro každé moderní domácnost, ale také komerční, tedy podnikatelské sféry. Další zařízení jsou podobného charakteru, jako kamerové systémy (PVT), požární signalizace (EPS), domácí telefony (audio, video) atd.

JANUS, spol. s r.o.

ISO 9002 certification in 06/2002. ISO 9001/2000 certification in 11/2003. Sector of engineering services, assembly area, piece deliveries and assemblies of electrotechnical equipment: -design, deliveries and installation: -electronic fire-warning devices -electronic guard signalling -closed/industrial television equipment and distribution systems for buildings supervision and security…

CPT Praha, spol. s r.o.

Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej, zprostředkování servisu: - spotřební elektronika - audio, video, hifi - televize, videorekordéry, videokamery, midivěže, minivěže, hifi věže, radiomagnetofony s CD přehrávačem, radiomagnetofony bez CD, radia, walkmany, diktafony, autorádia, reproduktory, zesilovače, tunery, ekvalizery, receivery-přijímače, CD přehrávače, CD měniče, kazetové magnetofony,…

Tecoma spol.s r.o.

Delivery, installation, service: - telecommunication techniques: - telephone, television and data networks (metallic and optical), computer networks, structured cabling of telecommunication equipment and technologies, branch telephone exchanges and terminal telecommunication equipment connected to JTS telecommunication and cable systems, local telephone networks, connection to JTS, low-current…

3D Production, s.r.o.

Enamelling, manufacture, retail, wholesale of enamel signs, panels; house, building and street signs, advertising signs, warning plates, signboards. ENAMEL PANELS, PLATES, SIGNS: -house numbers (number plates, descriptive and orientative numbers - description, numerals) -street signs (street names) -plates and labels (door plates, pipe plates, model identification plates/type plates,…

Klimafil, s.r.o.

Complete supplies of air conditioning and air conditioning Sales of measuring instruments Sales of personal protective equipment Air conditioning, ventilation: - air conditioning of comfortable and technological spaces - ventilation and extraction - filtration - filtration of gaseous pollutants - sorption filters with activated carbon - activated carbon for the capture of gaseous…


Bezpečnostní řešení pro školy, nemocnice, muzea a další komerční objekty a veřejné instituce. Nabízíme profesionální služby pultu centrální ochrany pro firmy. Disponujeme špičkovým dispečerským pracovištěm, vyškoleným personálem a největší sítí zásahových vozidel pokrývající celé území ČR. Víme, jak ochránit firemní majetek.

Tango, spol. s r.o.

We offer eavesdropping equipment, micro voice recorders, hidden cameras, computer monitoring, mobile phone tapping, data encryption and discreet communication products, anti-eavesdropping technology, detectors and jammers. We provide professional anti-wiretapping searches, detective services and security consultancy. We also operate a satellite vehicle monitoring and security system, which…

TAGEN s.r.o.

The main areas of activity of our company are: - sale of office equipment for printing and document processing - design and production of prototypes of electronic devices, connection testing, production of printed circuit board prototypes in-house - installation of entrance systems and camera circuits that are not used as security and alarm systems with connection to PCO - application of…

Petr Macek

Sale: - Tannoy and Kef speakers, Epson printers, Nikon cameras - computer technology - color calibration of monitors, printers, scanners with a probe - large format photo printing Photographic services: - color calibration of monitors, printers, scanners with a probe - large format photo printing - wedding photographer