Lighting and lights

Industrial and domestic interior and exterior lighting form the basis of each object. The sale includes lamps, chandeliers, spot, wall, ceiling, technical and outdoor luminaires, spotlights, lighting panels, LED luminaires, light boxes, neon lights and other types of lighting fixtures.

Kanlux s. r. o.

Wholesale, sale, import: -KANLUX lighting fittings (fly lightings for light bulbs MR (12V) -fly lightings for incandescent reflector lamps 230V -furniture lamps -interior built-in lighting fittings -interior lighting fittings for incandescent reflector lamps, plafoniers - ceiling lamps, halogen reflectors, halogen headlamps with movement sensor, spotlights, table lamps, portable…

AMAKO, spol. s r.o.

AMAKO, SPOL. s r.o. is a Czech manufacturer of steel poles, brackets, public and outdoor lighting columns and signaling. We have 20 years of experience in the Czech and foreign markets. Production of high quality steel tubes: -steel poles, columns, brackets (flanges, arms), lamps for public lighting, traffic signaling, light signaling -garden and outdoor (road, street) lights, lighting…

Eltom, s.r.o.

Company Eltom s.r.o. focuses on electrical work in the field of LV and MV voltage. We are engaged in the construction and maintenance of public lighting equipment, perform electrical inspections and earthworks, including temporary and definitive surface treatments. We operate mainly in the districts of Ostrava, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Opava and Nový Jičín. Electrical engineer work: - complex…

Greenlux s.r.o.

Greenlux s.r.o. supplies and sells lighting equipment under its own brand. The company is run by experienced managers who have many years of deep knowledge in the field of electrical installation materials and lighting technology. We focus on the availability of goods, flawless logistics, the breadth and depth of the range and the quick handling of complaints. Greenlux LED sources - E27,…

Elektro Ivičič s.r.o. - Elektrospotřebiče Mikulov

Firma Elektro Ivičič z Mikulova se zaměřuje na prodej, servis a opravy domácích spotřebičů jako jsou pračky, myčky a sušičky, ale i na další elektroniku. Kromě servisu a záručních a pozáručních oprav firma prodává široký sortiment elektra včetně náhradních dílů. Firma působí v regionu Mikulov, Břeclav, Valtice, Hustopeče. Firma poskytuje záruční a pozáruční opravy v Mikulově a okolí. Jejich…

EMS ELEKTRO s.r.o. - Elektromateriál pro průmysl Zlín

EMS ELEKTRO Ltd. Otrokovice deals with the supply of services and electrical materials for industry. Wholesale supply of electric actuators, industrial cameras, sensors, contactors, protection, switchboard cooling, limit switches, frequency converters, overvoltage protections, cable glands, Smart View machine vision. We are a key partner of many strong industrial companies in the Zlín region…

FORELV s.r.o. - Zpracování plechů

The main activity of the company FO RELV sro, which is based in Prostějov, is the production and sale of traction, stainless steel and high-rise poles intended for urban transport, public lighting and lighting for sports grounds. We are also engaged in bending and 3D burning of sheets and tubes. As far as the production of poles is concerned, our product range primarily includes traction and…

UV servisní, spol. s r.o. - Fotovoltaika Zlín, Vsetín

We provide all electrical installation activities and minor electrical work, complete electrical work such as low current, high current, inspection of machines and lightning conductors, including photovoltaic systems. We operate in the Zlín region. Services, work: - minor electrical and wiring repairs - new electrical installations in apartments and houses - installation and management…

ELMO-SA, spol.s r.o. - Elektroinstalace Olomouc

The company ELMO-SA, spol.s r.o. - Elektroinstalace Olomouc - performs electrical and wiring work around Olomouc. Our next focus is the installation of electrical wiring and lightning conductors. We provide inspections of electrical installations, lightning conductors and appliances. We are a contractual partner of ČEZ Distribuce, a.s., for which we provide electrical installation work in the…

ZAMKOV UH s.r.o. - Umělecké kovářství Uherské Hradiště

Company ZAMKOV UH s.r.o. operates in the Zlín region, in the field of building locksmithing and artistic blacksmithing. Locksmith production is focused on steel, metal fences, gates, gates, staircases, grilles and other products for the interior - even atypical requirements will be satisfied. Blacksmith's production is mostly handmade - custom made atypical forged gates, fences, grilles or…

Š & Z - sdružení - Automatické závlahové systémy Praha

Our company has been operating on the Czech market since 2001, especially in Prague and Central Bohemia. We provide delivery and installation of Hunter automatic irrigation systems, including design and implementation. We also focus on training and monitoring the new trends and trends that the market offers. Irrigation:  - gardens of family houses  - golf and other courses  - parks and…

REVYKO INTER, spol. s r.o. - Realizace výstavních expozic a interiérů

The company REVYKO INTER, spol. s r.o. focuses on the design, design and implementation of exhibition stands and interiors. We manufacture showcases and exhibition stands. We design multi-purpose showcases for variable placement and modular systems with unlimited shape flexibility in high quality and first-class design. For advertising and exhibition purposes, we supply modern cable suspension…

MIKO interiéry

We are a Czech company engaged in the design of interiors, production and subsequent assembly of furniture, kitchens and sofa sets. When executing orders, we focus on quality workmanship and the best solution for your new interior. We supply living room sets, bedrooms, children's furniture, office furniture, wardrobes, dining sets, sofa sets, home accessories, lighting and bathroom furniture. …

Colmark trade s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše osvětlovací projekty, pak je Colmark trade s.r.o. tou pravou volbou. Colmark trade s.r.o. je obchodně projektová společnost, která se zabývá osvětlovacími soustavami značek SITECO, Osram a Traxon. Tyto značky jsou známé svou vysokou kvalitou, světelně technickými parametry, spolehlivostí, životností a designem. Colmark trade s.r.o. vám nabízí…

ELPOL Police s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která se postará o vaše elektroinstalace, pak je ELPOL Police s.r.o. tou pravou volbou pro vás. Máme dlouholetou tradici a zkušenosti v oboru elektro. Zaměstnáváme tým odborně vzdělaných a vyškolených pracovníků, kteří disponují všemi potřebnými certifikáty a oprávněními. Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb, mezi které patří elektroinstalace v…

DaS elektromontáže s.r.o.

Společnost DaS elektromontáže s.r.o. se sídlem v Brně je renomovaným poskytovatelem komplexních služeb v oblasti elektroinstalací. S více než 15 lety zkušeností v oboru, tato firma vznikla z původní skupiny živnostníků a dnes je známá svou kvalitou práce, konkurenceschopnými cenami a silnou orientací na zákazníka. Firma se může pochlubit realizací řady zajímavých zakázek. DaS elektromontáže s…

ElektroProdej v.o.s.

The company ElektroProdej v.o.s. has been a specialist in the sale of batteries, accumulators, power supplies as well as audio-video and PC accessories since 1990. In our range you will find consumer batteries such as pencil batteries, watch batteries, batteries special for remote controls for cars or gates, as well as lithium batteries such as CR2032 or batteries for personal and kitchen scales.…

Marian Ručka

The company Marian Ručka from Český Těšín mainly deals with electrical installations on family houses, apartment units and other buildings. We also offer complete turnkey wiring, from the LV connection, elaboration of the project el. distribution, all installations, electric heating, assembly of switchboards, assembly, assembly of lightning conductors, up to the final revision. We can also…


The company KLUC - ELEKTROMATERIÁL s.r.o. has been operating on the electrical installation material market since 1990. We have a team of qualified electricians who are happy to advise you on the selection and installation of goods. We offer tailor-made cable cutting, preparation of goods according to the customer's requirements in advance, invoicing of goods after a longer period of time, the…

MIBELUX - LED pásky - Miroslav Bělohradský

MIBELUX specializes in LED strips in the online sale of LED strips, which are equipped with Epistar brand chips and MEAN WELL power supplies. In our offer you will also find accessories for LED strips, electrical material and BONEGA circuit breakers. Internet shop, e-shop: - LED strips - colored LED strips - profiles for LED strips - power supplies for LED lighting - electronic…

Martin Kaplan TORAKA - ELEKTRO - Elektro-materiály

Our company Martin Kaplan TORAKA - ELEKTRO has been on the market for 20 years with a complete range of electrical installation materials and many other services in the field of electrical. We have our own stone shop and in our shop we offer a wide range of electrical materials for companies, sole traders and the general public. We also run the e-shop, which we are…