Electronic security systems and accessories

Electronic security alarm systems, cctv, electronic fire alarm systems, systems for protection of goods and control inputs to the object – these are the devices that help you protect your property from unwanted entry and other hazards.

Eurosystem o.s.

Sales, installation and service - camera systems - satellite systems - STA Service - satellite systems - STA Sale - computing Sales, installation and service - Internet connection

Elektro Krč

We deal with electrical installation in apartments, family houses, companies; projection, installation of data networks including software; installation of home telephones and bell panels, we provide service for stores and companies; electrical inspection; design, implementation and revision of lightning rods; electro projection; designs and implementation of camera systems and sensor lighting.…

Ing. Ľubomír Kerepecký

Prodej a montáž - kamerové systémy Prodej a instalace - satelitní technika včetně poradenství prodej a montáž - společné televizní antény Servis - satelitní technika Znalecké posudky, konzultace Prodej a instalace - výpočetní technika (včetně poradenství) Servis - výpočetní technika

Ing. Josef Kulhánek - Etis

Company Ing. Josef Kulhánek - Etis deals with the supply and assembly of electronic security, camera systems and low-current distribution systems. We have been offering security and monitoring systems for a long time, which enable complex spatial and envelope protection of the building, against fire, gas explosion and water flooding. Low-current distributions: - cabling system for…

Ing. František Haščyn

Osvětlení - protokoly osvětlení pro hygieniky - návrhy osvětlení - autorizace ČKAIT obor technika prostředí a osvětlování - inženýrské sítě veřejné osvětlení Projekce - technika prostředí elektro Vnitřní elektrické instalace - inženýrské sítě (elektro) Projekce - hromosvody dle norem (ochrana před údery blesku a přepětím) Regulace - elektrické topení …